chapter 2

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The girls found the principals office just as the bell to go to class rung. The principal gave Lux her and Luna's schedule and took the to their homeroom. When they got their, the teacher assigned Luna a partner who had the same classes as her, the twins had different career path's they wanted to follow. Lux was studying zoology, while Luna was studying Law. They did have a couple classes together but mostly different ones. Lunas guide was named Kate she was a sweet girl who tried to bring justice into her everyday life. Luna and Kate hit it off straight away, this was good since luna wasn't the best at making friends at her old school she only had one friend Lola and her partner Sam. Meanwhile Lux had already joined a big group of friends who all enjoyed her company, Lux had always been on the popular side of life.

At lunch the 2 met up and Lux introduced all her group "Lun this is Jayla, Milani, Ash, Ivy, Zephyr, Alaska and Clementine aka Menti. Guys this is my twin sister Luna.". Luna was used to being roped into lunchtimes with Lux's group as it happened all the time back home. Kate came up to her and asked if she wanted to sit at her table, but Luna didn't want to answer because she couldn't decide, on one hand if she did she could make a new friend but on the other hand she wanted to stay near Lux as she was Lunas other half. This was not helping her already high social anxiety, Kate was just staring at her waiting. Luna's mind was in a huge panic and before she could alert Lux, she had a panic attack. Lux looked over and saw her sister in a full panic attack, she shouted "Kate what did you do?". Kate replied "I just asked her if she wants to sit with me at a different table.", Lux shooed her away and bent down to Luna and calmed her down.

Luna was taken to the office and picked up by her mum, she was very upset it was the first day and she had already made herself look like a baby. Lux was worried about her sister she has these attacks under high stress but the decision wasn't that hard it was just where to sit right, her friends clearly saw that she was worried and comforted her, Menti even put her hand on top of Lux's which reassured her. Kate came back over to ask if she could sit with them, they all looked at lux for an answer she hesitantly nodded at Kate. The rest of the day flew by Lux enjoyed her classes but was mostly worrying about Luna.

She got home by bus and went straight to Luna's room and saw her crying she went up to her and asked " hey Luns what's the matter.", "Lux, I embarrassed myself Infront of your whole group and Kate, I'm the only one who had to go home on the first day because of a panic over choosing where to sit, I'm going to be called a baby and a loser. I'll become the target for bullies." Luna cried. 

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