Chapter 4

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The two got dropped off at school earlier then most students but to Lux's delight and Luna's dismay Lux's friend group was already at school and Clemetine was wearing an outfit that matched Lux's, when the group pointed this out Luna was not happy, Lux was supposed to be her twin, not some girl she met yesterday. Ivy must have seen Lunas face, because she pulled Luna over to a private conversation "Are you okay, you seem a bit upset because Menti and Sunny are matching." Ivy asked, Luna was about to answer but there words reran through her mind then she replied "who's sunny?", she felt Ivy freeze at her words "umm I feel like I wasn't supposed to tell you but that's your sisters nickname Menti came up with it." Ivy quickly blurted out before going back to the group, Luna then purposely ran into her sister "I'm so sorry Sunny" she spat. Lux knew that her sister wouldn't like her new nickname which is why she's hadn't told her about it. "Luns come on its just a nickname." Lux tried to say to her but Luna had all ready stormed off in the wrong direction. The rest of the week rode by at super speed.

Before anyone blinked it was Monday morning again but today was storming badly, Lux and Luna both found it hard to get up that morning, but it was still a school day. Lux and Luna hadn't spoken since their fight so as soon as their mum closed the car door behind them the girls vanished from the others sight. Lux didn't mind the rain she just hated the lightning, every time it flashed she would jump. Here friends found this a bit concerning, but they all thought that Clementine should ask her. "Sunny, are you okay? Your a bit jumpy today is just cause of the lack of sunshine or..." Menti asked. "Lightning is the worst it took everything from me Menti, my older brother, my house, my old life and even my leg." Lux replied, her eyes became more dark after that, it looked as if this conversation was bringing back traumatic memories so no one pushed any more. The storm made Luna terrified last time their was a storm so many horrible things happened and that's when she could see, now a fire could start and she wouldn't be able to see it. A much as the trauma of what happened to them haunted the twins that first storm after the incident they had closed off that day fearing that something might happen to the other people they cared about. Every time one of Lux group members tried to talk with her she would just nod or shake her head and walk away and whenever Kate tried to talk to Luna she wouldn't answer and just stare at the floor blankly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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