Chapter 3

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Lux left the room vowing that she would not let Luna become a bully target, she would protect her. Luna hoped that Lux wasn't going to do what she thought but she knew her sister and this would mean that she was now not aloud to be to far away from her for protection. Their mother called them to dinner, she asked "How was your day Lux?", she replied "It was awesome except for the part where luna had to go home. I have a friend group it consists of Alaska, Ash, Clementine, Ivy, Jayla, Milan and Zephyr. They all are really nice and Clementine is even in all my classes.", her mum then asked "Any boys?". Lux cried "Mum it's the first day, god also how do you know I would date a boy?". Her mum went to say something but closed her mouth, the girls finished dinner soon after and went to bed.

The next morning Lux woke up way earlier then Luna, she had a shower got into a cute outfit checked her discord. Menti , Zephyr and Alaska were on and they had all messaged her. Menti said "hey, what are you wearing today we could match. Oh .... Wait you and luna are probs matching cause ur twins. Sorry text me when you see this." She replied with "Hey umm ... me and luna were opposite clothes, so we can totally match but only colour cause you probably don't have the same outfits as me cause I got mine from the country.". She added a picture of her outfit to the text. Then she opened her chat with Zephyr it read "girl I have some gossip about Luna's situation, since I will probably be at school when you read this I'll spill now, There is this girl in our grade named Brooke Thomas she is like super cocky and rude, she is planning to trap Luna in a locker and not just any locker Nathan's locker he's the weird kid. Her only weakness is that she actually stalks the hottest jocks in the school no photo evidence has been taken but everyone has heard the rumour just tell her you know and she will back off.", Lux smiled at Zephyrs text that girl can get you deets on anyone or anything. Finally she checked her last text it was from Alaska and it was an image of a painting of her and Luna the caption read a present for are embarrassed queen. After replying thx to Alaska she had breakfast and waited for luna to get ready so they could leave.

Luna woke up about half an hour after Lux and was just feeling really bad, her anxiety was spiking and she was so nervous for today after the escapade yesterday and on top Lux and her group had probably yelled at Kate ruining Luna's chance of being friends with her, only one person could make her feel better after this and that was Sam but they hadn't returned any of Luna's texts or calls since she moved. It upset Luna badly, Lux was trying to help but ended up making her feel worse. Still she had to go or risk her mum freaking out.

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