Homeless and Lost

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It was a rainy cold night and you were wandering around New York, barefooted and with no coat just wondering around while hugging yourself close shivering to the core just looking around completely lost. You knew you were lost and had no place to live while listening to your stomach growl warning you that it needed something to eat but you just wanted to find somewhere where you could shelter yourself from the rain and coldness. You bumped into New Yorkers walking around with umbrellas or some with coats just ignoring you while walking around they just trying to get to their destination, but you just looked down rubbing your arms trying to warm yourself.

You stopped in front of a grocery store and looked through the window looking inside at all the delicious food that the store offered you forgot all about your stomach growling and finally snapped out of your trance placing a hand on your stomach. "I need to eat soon or I'll die of hunger." You told yourself while looking back at the store with fruits, breads, and candy placed neatly on wooden crates while hesitating to go inside of the store and looked down checking your pockets to see if you had enough money.

You did eventually find money inside of your pocket but only $4.00 and some cents and looked back at the store but before you could walk your legs moved without a second thought you made it inside the store and looked around to see what you can buy with the little money you had. You went straight the deli aisle to get yourself a sandwich and probably a juice or water to drink to keep yourself from going hungry all night. You decided to get a cheese sandwich with lettuce, tomato, ham, cheese and light mayonnaise after that you went to the drink machine and picked out an orange juice you headed towards the cash register and placed your items on the counter and the girl at the front scanned the items.

"That will be $3.00." the girl in the front said while giving you a weird look "Here, you go." You said while heading her the money and the girl took it you grabbed your stuff and headed towards the door on your way to find an alleyway where you could shelter yourself from the rain but the cold wouldn't shelter you. You finally stopped in front of an alleyway and walked through it finding a spot where you could rest and eat your food alone after finishing your food you hugged your knees close to your chest and buried your head on top of your knees. You sighed deeply letting the cold air fill your lungs and felt your eyes (E/C) watering the tears threatening to come out and tried hard to not cry but then all the things that happened this morning came flooding back to your mind and the tears started to flood your eyes and down your cheeks.

"Hey, you ok there?" said a very gentle voice that was standing in front of her but you just guessed the girl was and you looked up at the person who was standing before you with an umbrella as much as you could tell the girl had very curly hair which she had in curly pigtails and wearing a green jacket with blue lines going down the sleeves and a yellow dress."Uh, y-yeah." You said while whipping your cheeks with your wrist and looked up at her trying to master a smile "Uh, you sure?" Said the pig-tailed hair girl now sounding concerned while kneeling down to your level.

"Y-yeah, just shit happens you know..." You said your voice now trailing off  "Right." the girl says while giving you a napkin smiling. "I'm, April O'Neill by the way." The pig-tailed hair girl says still smiling widely "nice to meet you April, I'm (Y/N)." You says taking the napkin to blow  your nose smiling right after. "Its my pleasure, (Y/N)." says April realizing that you been shivering this whole time "Don't you have a coat? Your shivering badly." Says April sliding the umbrella under you so you don't keep getting drenched. "I used to though, but not anymore." You say with a smile scratching the back of your head "Oh...do you wanna come to my apartment? It's really warm and cozy there.

It's so you don't die frozen here since its cold and raining." Says April now standing up and reaching a hand towards you smiling. "Uh, sure! It's better then staying out here and freezing to death." You say laughing a little and taking her hand to get up. "Yeah, and besides you must be hungry." She says laughing along with you while leading you to her apartment. You follows her and soon after they reach a building with five floors which was a tall apartment to say the least well...in your eyes it was and reminded you of her old apartment which you got evicted from which was the cause of late overdue payments you missed on so you ended up in the streets while your stuff was taken to get sold by complete strangers.

You reached April's apartment and they walked inside surprisingly enough the place was actually neatly kept even though it was a small apart. Yu could've guessed it was a studio apart but must've been just a normal apartment with a big living room and a big tv with a red almost orange couch in front of it.

Also a tiny kitchen but you didn't really mind at all since your parents taught you to not be ungrateful about everything, not to mention there was a small bedroom tucked in the corner with a dining room in the back against the wall. "So, this is my apartment. It's not much but I still call it home." Says April with a small smile "It's beautiful!" You says while having almost stars in your eyes and she was right it was warm and cozy in her apartment which you haven't felt in like forever since this morning you ended up homeless and in the streets.

"Aw, thanks (Y/N)." Says April while hanging her keys and taking off her coat also closing her umbrella "No problem April." You politely say with a smile while resisting the urge to explore the small (studio) apartment. April heads to the kitchen and pokes her head out to the living room "So, what you wanna eat?" she says looking at you. "Uh..anything really." You says deep in thought "Spaghetti with meatballs, it is then!" She says disappearing into the kitchen. "Sounds good by me." You say with a excited tone and you look around the apartment and your eyes catches a picture frame with a family of three.

You looks at the picture and guesses that the little girl was April with her parents having a picnic at the park. You suddenly felt a pain in your chest and could feel tears forming on your eyes remembering the good times you had with your parents when you were a little girl and before you lost them in a car accident just last month. "Hey, you ok?" Said a very soft voice which makes you jump a little startled almost dropping the picture you were holding. "Y-yeah, just startled." You lied while placing the picture back on the wall shelf and turning around to face April. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you the food is ready." April said while gesturing to the table filed with food. "Oh, cool!" You say heading towards the table and sitting down to eat with April sitting down beside you.

After April and you were done eating and mostly full from eating too much food you asked April if you could take a shower which April nodded which meant 'Sure. Go ahead.' when you were done showering you found clothes on the bed which were pj's you smiled and guessed April put them there for you to wear. You walked towards the living room where you found April waiting for you on the couch with a list of movies to watch on the tv and asked you what was your favorite movie which was the princess and the frog (*You can pick your favorite movie that's just an example*). They watched the movie and soon after the movie ended they went to the bedroom which you both started fighting about who was gonna sleep on the bed and who was gonna sleep on the couch which turned into a thirty-minute pillow fight in the bedroom once you both got tired of having a pillow fight you both got ready to sleep and quickly fell asleep as soon as  you both laid down on the bed.

April and you ended up both sleeping on the bed but one on top and one on the bottom "Goodnight, April." You say eyes already shut. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." Says April her eyes already shut too and smiles knowing she just found the perfect roommate she needed.

(End of chapter 1.)

Well that was it. Sorry if its cringed or short I didn't know what else to add so I just added whatever came to mind  and well that's all and buh bye! :D 

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