The Purple Jacket

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Donnie made his way towards April's school to help her with her homework for probably tomorrow and stopped by a group of kids who we're texting asking each other through text if they wanted to meet for pizza after school. He stopped behind a girl with purple hair who was involved in the group when she noticed Donnie she gave him a dirty look also followed by a boy with brown hair giving him a dirty look but he just gave a excited smile being his first time at a school since he been stuck in the lair with his brothers since they were children. 

He made his way up the stairs where there was a boy who stuck his tongue out disgusted by the lunch his mom made which was an egg sandwich but Donnie kept walking and ran in excitement towards the room where April was. ''Psst! April!'' He whispered trying to hold himself steady on the ceiling and trying not to fall and he threw his ninja stars perfectly sticking to the computer table that said 'I'm here!' landing right next to her. She looked up squinting and got scared seeing him on the but eventually couldn't hold himself up his arms giving up and falling on top of the chair next to April her holding on to the chair she was sitting on. ''Hey, Donnie. Thanks for coming.'' She says with a smile and looking down at him, he got up and shook the ninja stars off his hoodie and he sat down next to her. 

''No probbles. I love this place. It smells like learning and puberty!'' He said standing up and everyone staring at him but he really didn't mind at all. He just glad to be helping April and helping her with her computer science project ''So, what do you need help with?'' He asks shaking his head to remove the ninja stars from the hood of his hoodie. April was just typing on her computer and looking over her homework assignment checking just in case she missed one that's why she called Donnie over to her school. ''My computer science project. Just need you to check the code, make sure I haven't missed anything.'' She says checking the code again and Donnie pushing her to the side and scrolling fast through her computer science project ''Ah! You don't know how lucky you are to be in school, April, surrounded by true intellectuals scholars after my own heart, resplendent in gorgeous purple satin jacket-- wait! What? Purple satin jackets?'' He repeats again with stars in his eyes.

''The shimmering sheen, the exquisite violet hue, the silkiness of the fabric! It has everything I love, and even things I didn't know I loved yet--'' He says daydreaming and a little bit of drool coming out the corner of his mouth. April rolled her eyes and kicked the side of the computer table with her foot and put her hands inside of her jacket ''Donnie, if you keep drooling in here, something's gonna short-circuit.'' She says pushing herself back with the chair. He finally snapped out and looked over the Purple Dragons section of the computer room ''They must be the kings and queen of high school.'' He says already deciding  he was gonna join their club since they we're into tech and so was he. ''The Purple Dragons tech club? Yeah, if by kings and queens, you mean stuck up jerks, who think they're smarter then everyone else.'' She says with unamused face and just rolling her eyes once again. ''Oh, that's what I was hopping you say!''

He says with an excited tone and twirling on his chair with arms whaling in the air. ''Ok, let's run the Nakamura simulation. Try not to get caught this time.'' The purple haired girl said withe her arms crossed and looking over at the boy with the dark hair who had a Vr headset and typing something in the computer. ''Ha! I'm in! I bypassed the security protocols.'' He says with a vr simluation changing to another one. ''Nice work, Jase! Nice work. Let's take him down a peg.'' The purple haired teen said making a fists and looking at the brown skin teen with a evil smile. ''You got it, cheif.'' He says and precess a bottom on his computer with once again an evil smile like the purple haired teen had. ''I have an irrational fear of dogs! Aaah!'' Jason says looking behind him and backing against the simulation wall with the dogs attacking him and electricity taking over the simulation.

The two teens laughed while their friend got attacked by four dogs. They both high-five like they both did this before when Donatello wasn't there and it worked every time like they planned it. ''Oh, my gosh, did you see that?'' He says with an over-excited tone and face but April just rolled her eyes and looked again unamused. ''What? That wack high-five?'' April says and frown a looked over at Donnie with a  'Are you serious face?' face. ''Nay, fair April. A secret five, evocative of the golden ratios of the cosmos. Superior minds, glorious jackets-- April, I am joining this club.'' He says floating in midair and then standing up and walking to where the Purple Jacket tech club was. ''You what now?'' She said already deciding that her friend was losing his mind and she had to try to stop him before he made a fool of himself. ''Greetings, tech enthusiasts. I'd like you to introduce you, to the newest member of your club, wait for it, here it comes-- it's me.'' He says trying to do a impressive walk but honestly he just looked like a total idiot as he walked.

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