Chapter 4: My Sheroes

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As I said before my sheroes are Blac Chyna, Nicki Minaj, and Kim Kardashian. Its something about them that just makes me look up to them! Some may say they're bad influences on children but my question is who in the hell asked for your opinion? Better yet who let your child see every move they make for them to be a bad influence? If they could have an influence on your child to do something then you are'nt doing your job as a parent to teach them right from wrong! Now am I right or wrong? But that's besides the point. There are reasons why I look up to them.

Nicki Minaj? That's my bitch!! I would beat a bitch ass over her. I love her so much that if I could I would marry her and make her my wife. I love everything about her from her music to her swagg. There isn't one word in any dictionary that could explain why I am so obsessed with her. Her lyrics, they speak to me! Everything she does is just an automatic inspiration to me. I could sit here and go on days and days and try to explain how much I love Nicki Minaj and would not have one bad thing to say about her. Anything you want to know about her you wouldn't have to go to Google for it. You can just call Annah and she will tell you EVERY little detail about Nicki Minaj.

Now Kim Kardshian? That's a different story. I don't admire her as much as I admire Nicki. In fact I don't admire anyone as much as I admire Nicki. But Kim, she comes a little close to it. What I love about Kim is her style. I love her hustle and her strive for success. But what I love most about her is what every nigga in the world love about her. Her ASS. Yes, that ass, Lord, that ass. Now don't get it twisted, I aint thirsty for her ass like these niggas are. I just wish I had her ass. Fake or not I want her ass. Her ass would get me to become a striper any second. If I could pay Kim to have her ass I would pay any amount I had at that minute to have it! It might sound off-the-wall and like I would be doin too much, but lets be honest. If you could have a chance to get Kim's ass would you take it or leave it?

When it comes to the main reason why I want to be a stripper we go to my striper role model, Blac Chyna. I love her whole body. Her whole look. I just love how I know she can work a pole. If I ever had the chance to meet her I would tell her that I want her to be my mentor. I want to work at King of Diamonds along with her and learn her tricks and be the next best stripper there is. Nobody wouldn't just come to King of Diamonds just for stripers any more, they would specifically come for Blac Chyna and me. Nobody else. That's the dream for me. That's the life style I want. To be next to Blac Chyna, gettin money with her and be the best damn stripper this world has ever seen.

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