Chapter One

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Inside of Baldur's Gate was a large, silent field overlooking the waters east of the city. The field held dozens of different, colorful flowers that painted the field with their brightness, even in the dimmest light.

Xynaa sat in the field, picking one flower after the other as she soaked in the moonlight. The pale light from above was her favorite thing in the universe.

She enjoyed the night. It was calm, it was quiet and there was peace. To her, there was never peace within the day. Not with the crowded streets or the rushing traffic of citizens, nothing about it was peaceful to Xynaa.

Most of her days were spent in the bookstore where she worked, selling books and even some potions. It was a calmer atmosphere than anywhere else.

But if she wasn't in the store, she was in her home with her cat, or she was right here, basking in the moonlight. It paled her olive toned skin, complimenting her freckles that scattered across her skin like the stars in the galaxy.

Tucking her hair behind her ear, Xynaa tilted her chin upward and stared at the sky. She studied the stairs as they littered across the dark sky, humming.

A soft purring came about from her left side, causing the half-elf to roll to her side. Delphi, her beautiful white furred cat, purred as she rubbed her head against the woman's shoulder.

"Is it late, Delphi?" She asked, petting the cat.
The cat meowed.

"All right, let's get back."

Standing from the grass, Xynaa dusted off the back of her dress as the cat followed her through the field. They walked together towards the trail that would lead her back to the city.

As they walked back towards the city, Xynaa found her way back to the bookstore. She lived within the loft above the bookstore, which made things a lot easier for her. She could start working early to tidy things up or even allow some of the older gentlemen in early before their route to work.

Taking the keys out of her pocket, she moved towards the door and unlocked it. She twisted the door handle and opened the door.

The shop lights were off, but Xynaa knew her way through to the stairs leading to the loft. She continued forward and moved around the wall, making her way up the staircase.

As she reached the loft door, she unlocked it and Delphi ran inside immediately. The cat meowed as her tail flicked, immediately jumping on the counter before looking to her owner.

"What is it, Delphi?" She asked. She set her bag down and kicked off her shoes. "We'll rest soon. I want a bath."

Delphi sat there as she disappeared into her home, running the water to the bath. She added herbs and oats for a calming affect and to soothe her skin. Once the tub was full, the woman stripped out of her dress and stepped inside of the tub, sinking down until she was engulfed by the hot water.

Xynaa closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax as she sighed. She would sleep soon, and open the shop for another ten hour day to the public. She deserved her time alone.

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