Chapter Two

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A few days had passed, but Xynaa could not stop thinking about the man that came into the shop those few nights ago.

There was something oddly familiar about him, but she couldn't place it whatsoever. It was irritating; it was as if it was right there on the tip of her tongue, but for the life of her, she couldn't remember.

Xynaa sat in the shop a few days later, sitting with a book open across her lap as she held Delphi in her arms. The large cat purred as she rested in her owner's arms, flicking her tail off and on.

"I'm going to make chili tonight, Delphi. I'll have to leave a few minutes early and head out to get some things."

The cat meowed as if she was acknowledging her owner.

When the time came to close, she flipped the sign to closed before locking the shop up. She stuffed her hands into her pockets and began heading down the sidewalk that would lead her towards the south of town. The night sky was dark, and the humidity lingering in the air told her it would rain any minute. And as the sound of thunder rumbled in the distance, she sighed.

"Perfect timing, Xynaa."

Rain began to fall, but it was too late. She needed things from the shop. She was already a good distance from her shop, now.

The rain was hard and cold as it poured, drenching her hair and soaking her clothes. Hugging herself, Xynaa quickened her pace as her wet hair clung to the skin of her face.

In the distance, she noticed something in the street.

Xynaa's lips parted as she squinted, trying to see through the harsh rain. As her eyes finally focused, her heart sank and her stomach churned.

A man laid in the street, blood pooling around his body as he shivered.

"Oh, nine hells!" She ran forward, dropping to the ground before the man as she examined him. The man choked out as he tried to speak, but no words were able to come. Blood oozed from a gash in his neck, paling his skin the more he lost blood.

"What happened? Oh, god, someone help!" She screamed, pressing her hands to the open wound. She looked around, but all she could see was the rain. "Someone help, please!"

The man's eyes began to close when she felt a rush of air beside her. As Xynaa turned, she noticed the same man from the shop that day. He stood there in the rain, his wet curls sticking to his skin as he kneeled beside her.

"I—I don't know what happened," she stuttered. "I was w—walking, and I just s—saw—"

He leaned in and pulled Xynaa's away from the man's neck, where the blood had stopped flowing. Her lips quivered and she trembled.

"Whatever did happen, he's gone." His words hit her like a wagon, and her heart ached.

"I don't understand." She said. "What could have done this?"

"These streets are not safe at night." He said to her. "And you would be wise to head back to the shop."

She shook her head. "I can't just leave him."
The man suddenly moved in close, causing Xynaa to gasp. He stood before her, staring down at her as he stared into her eyes.

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