Chapter Eleven

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"Cazador Szarr?"

Xynaa nodded. "I overheard someone speaking of him, and that he lives somewhere here?"

Jatar scratched at his neck. "Everything I've heard comes from tales and stories. He's a vampire master, for one. Why are you asking?"

"Do you believe he could be behind the recent murders and abductions here in the city?"

He sighed. "I'd hope not, but it would make sense. He lives somewhere on the outskirts of the Lower City, or so people say. People have tried to pry and see just where it is, but nobody has dared to try."

Xynaa swallowed. "And the spawns?"

Jatar looked around, but nobody was near.

"His spawns do the dirty work. They're loyal. I dunno if it's because they're just loyal and monstrous, or if they are afraid. They do as he says. He has orders and they must follow."

"What do you mean they do the dirty work?" Xynaa asked.

"The spawns leave the palace at night. They linger in the streets to lure one back to him, to please him."

Her stomach twisted and her chest tightened.

"And the spawns. . . Do they feed on humans?"

"No. That's an order they must obey or they will die."

Jatar shook his head. "It's only what I've heard, Xynaa. I have never seen this man or his children. But if I were you, I wouldn't be goin' looking for 'em. What makes you curious, anyway?"

She shook her head. "I just overheard some people at the shop talking about him. . . Of course not. I only wanted answers. Thank you, Jatar. And please, stop by soon. I'll prepare some tea for you."

The man smiled. "Sounds like a plan. You watch yourself, Xynaa."

As he disappeared, Xynaa turned and scanned the buildings that surrounded the outside of the Lower City in the daylight. In the day, it seemed harmless. But from her own time and experience out on the streets during the night, the idea of a vampire lord slaughtering the town slowly, made her skin crawl.

It had been a few days since Astarion had been around, and Xynaa began to worry. It was a stormy night when she drew the blinds inside of the shop, listening to thunder rumbling within the distance.

Delphi sat on the stairs to the loft, flicking her tail as she watched her owner lock the door to the shop.

Sighing, she walked towards the stairs and made her way to the loft. "It doesn't look very good out there."

The cat rushed to her bowl and began to eat as Xynaa pulled off her jacket and tossed it onto the chair in her room. As she did this, she walked towards the closet and pulled the door open.

The floorboards creaked quietly within the next room, and she turned her head to focus her gaze on the door.

Astarion appeared, leaning against the doorframe as he observed her. She took a moment to look him over, taking him in. His hair was still a perfect mess of curls, while his skin appeared clear as the last time she saw him. His shirt was tucked into his pants, the strings on the front open to reveal his toned chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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