Chapter 5: Sweets N' Treats

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I've been afraid plenty of times throughout my life, but being on the receiving end of what seemed like endless excited questioning by Twilight and Rarity gushing over how elegant and refined my dad was is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

Y/N: Maybe if we could just keep that amongst ourselves-

Twilight: Did you know about his role against the changelings or what about-!

Rarity: Your father was quite the handsome man! And don't get me stared on how much of a gentleman he is!

Y/N: Everyone just needs to relax just a tiny bit-

They showed no sign of slowing down...until Spikes stomach growled.

Spike: Lunch time!

He quickly begins to shove me out.

Rarity: Wait!

Y/N: Thanks for that.

Spike: No problem. If I didn't get you out of there, we'd probably be there all day.

Y/N: In all seriousness, I really am hungry.

Spike: And I know just where to go.

After a bit of walking, we ended up at someplace called "Sugar Cube Corner." It seemed pretty busy, but according to Spike, it was "THE" place to eat.

Y/N: The lines are pretty huge...

Spike: I've got it covered.

We burst through the doors as Spike pushed me in.

Spike: Make way! Son of a hero comin through! Comin, though!

Y/N: Spike!

Spike: What?

Before I knew it, I was suddenly surrounded by a horde of curious diners.

Y/N: Uh....Hello.

I watch as a pink blur stopped in front of me.

???: Hiya! My name is Pinke Pie! And I'll be right with you!

Y/N: Wha-

I blink, and Spike and I are suddenly seated in a booth.

Y/N: Wait, how did we....

Spike: Hey Pinke!

Pinke: Hi Spike! Whose your friend?

Y/N: But we were over-

Spike: He just moved here, and as he's best friend, I'm making sure he knows where the good stuff is!

Pinke: Aww, Spike. You brought him to the right place! Be right back!

Y/N: Hang on - aaand she's gone.

Spike: Trust me, bro. You're gonna love the food here.

Y/N: Bro?

Spike: Don't like it?

Y/N: To be honest, I'm still a little peeved at you announcing who I was to everyone in here.

Spike: I dunno what that means....but at least everyone here knows to give you space, right?

I looked around and still saw plenty of people looking at our booth.

Y/N: Rrrright.....

A tray of various plates of food suddenly slammed onto the table.

Pinke: Bon appetite!

I dunno what was more surprising to me. The amount of food on this tray or the fact that Spike ate with no hesitation.

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