The Text

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Ashley got a text from an unknown number saying, "Hey, I know you don't know me but my name is Luna. And I'm your younger half sister. Before you block my number please hear me out. I have nowhere to go and I just found out that I'm pregnant. For some weeks ago, before I got kicked out of my mom's house. I found her journal and it says that she got pregnant when she was still in high school and gave her daughter up for adoption and someone named Crystal Reed adopted my mom's daughter. I know this may seemed crazy and you probably don't believe it but please help me. I'll tell you anything that you want to know."

At first Ashley thought that it was a scammer or an unknown person doing a prank but then she read a name that she knew nobody knows about only her parents and her two best friends.

So Ashley called Ivy and Jessica to come over where she's at. And when they walked towards Ashley, they knew something happened. And they assumed right when Ashley turned her phone towards Ivy and Jessica.

At first they didn't know what's wrong, until they saw the text. More especially the name in the text messages, "Crystal Reed."

When Ashley saw the shocked looks on her friends faces, she knew that they didn't do anything and that this was probably a prank. So Ashley texted the person who she thinks pranked her and texted, "This is some sick prank Nova! I get why you're angry with me because of what happened in high school, but this is the last straw! Please leave me alone! Or else I'll call the police."

The person Nova texted back confused, "Ashley? What the hell are you talking about? I don't know what your problem is but I'm not pranking you so please stop texting me and fucking delete my number on your phone Ashley. Goodbye, text never!"

When Ashley reads what Nova texted, she's now confused and scared, because if it's not Nova that texted her, the who? And who knows about her being adopted? Ashley then thinks that maybe this "Luna" person was actually telling the truth.

So Ashley texted the unknown number that she now knows it's Luna, her "sister." God, she still can't believe that she has a sister. Ashley always wanted siblings but her mom couldn't get pregnant. Then she met Ivy and Jessica and knew they were soul sisters.

"Hey, sorry if I took too long to respond. It's just that I'm so confused about this whole thing and I never knew my bio mother. So I didn't know she had kids. If you are telling me the truth, we can meet at a coffee shop where I live. I can text you where it is so we can meet there. But I want my two friends with me, because even if your my sister. I don't trust you enough to be alone with you."

Luna texted back, "That's totally fine, I won't be alone so you can bring your friends if you want. I just have to bring my half-siblings with me if that's alright with you. And please text me where we meet. I'll meet you there since I'm driving."

Ashley texted Luna the address where the coffee shop is and Luna texted back saying, "Thank you, I'll meet you there, just text me what time you want us to be there and I'll make sure to be on time."

Ashley then texted back again saying, "Does 12:00 in the afternoon sound good enough?"

Luna texted back again saying, "Yeah, I think that sounds perfect. Sorry Ashley but I have to go, it's getting pretty late. Goodbye and thank you again for this!"

And yes, they did exchange names so they would know how to find the person when they met in the coffee shop. Ashley texted back and said, "Okay, goodnight and drive safely. Just text me when you're here so I'll know when to meet you at the shop."

Then Ashley, Ivy, and Jessica went and got ready to go to bed. They all said 'goodnight' to each other and then they went to sleep.

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