It all comes tumbling down

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He woke up from his dream sweating. He couldn't quite recall what it was about but judging by how fast his heart was beating, it likely wasn't about anything good like cuddling doggos. William swallows, only to find his mouth is dry. He touches his scarred shoulder thoughtfully, if for a moment. He's glad that it isn't phantom pains that woke him up tonight. He glances at the clock and sees that it is 5:00 am. He corrects himself. Five in the morning isn't awful but more sleep would have been preferred. He gets up from his bed. He needs water.

It's been two weeks since he'd recovered from his fever. Two weeks since the start of Henry's strange behavior. He has no clue what to make of it. A part of him wonders if Henry's snapped. If he somehow thinks that he's his son. Something tells William though that Henry would never have treated a child of his with any amount of kindness. Or care. Or any form of good will.

The thought almost makes him laugh. Fate can be so twisted. Here he is, somehow back in the past and trying to prevent the mistakes he made that led to him losing Jack. He's fucked up once already. He knows Henry doesn't need him to ruin Jack's life again. Henry even knows that he can come back. Yet, he's done nothing about it. Yet.

It would have made him so happy. Still believing that he was Henry's son and Henry thinking he was David. It would have been a dream come true, in another life.

That isn't the life he has now. He knows better than all of that.

At least, he thinks he does.

He should. Right?

He's taken out of his thoughts as he enters the kitchen. It's still sparse. They haven't bought much of anything for their future cook yet. The one thing that stood out was Henry's coffee maker. Of course, Henry's standing next to it. William hides a grimace. He's barely been able to avoid the guy at all recently. Usually Henry keeps to himself so all of this clinginess has been extra disturbing. The worst part about this is that he has to pretend things are normal. That Henry's behavior change isn't likely a part of some fucked up plan. Henry says something to him. He completely misses it.

"Huh? Sorry Henry. I was spacing out".

"You are alright. William, are you prepared for the interviews today"?

William pales. "Interviews? We're hiring people already"?

Henry nods sagely. "Yes. I realize that we are at least a month out until the restaurant opens. However, I want to get the employees on as soon as possible. I want this restaurant to be as prepared as it can be for opening day".

"Opening day"?

William stares at him blankly. He tries to hold himself back but curiosity overtakes him.

"Henry, since when did you care about the condition of the restaurant"?

Henry squints at him. He tries to stand his ground against his deadpan stare. He knows he hit a bullseye when he sees Henry's eye twitch a bit.

"Why do you want to know"?

He lowers his guard a little. "Henry. This is a cover. For you to find and kill kids to make people immortal".

Henry rolls his eyes. "William. You answered your own question. According to you, I am making this cover look convincing".

Henry turns around to leave. William could tell he was done with this conversation.

He crosses his arms. "That's the thing though. You did a horrible job of that last time".

Henry stops walking and slowly turns to face William. "How so"?

William rolls his eyes. "Henry, you hired Matt Virginia".

"He was an able business man".

He snips. "I'm also certain he had made a deal with the devil".

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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