An Old Promise, A New Proposition

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They sat there, deep in thought. Both of them watched the others movements, trying to read each other in the darkness. To anyone watching, the silence would seem tense, even accusatory. However, that couldn't have been further from the truth. While certainly weary of one another, they were more curious rather than judging each other.

The silence went on for an indefinite time. Sometimes it felt like time was stretching, trying to make every moment as long as possible while others moments seemed to fade away as quick as mist. After what felt like a millennia, or a New York minute, William finally broke the silence between them.

"Fredbear, what am I doing here?" He asked in a straightforward manner, looking directly at him. He almost looked like a confused child, sitting cross legged and shrinking into himself. Fredbear didn't answer, instead looking above the purple man's head and gazing into the inky darkness. This unsettled him, not used to seeing the mythical being be this quiet. He tentatively says Fredbear's name again, but again is met with no response. William started to feel discouraged. Still, he pressed on. If he wasn't going to say why he was plopped into the middle of the Void, then maybe he can ask why HE was here.

"Wait. I actually have a more important question." William raised his eyebrows, hoping to get his curiosity across. The bear doesn't make any motion of paying attention, yet he feels his eyes are on him all the same. "Fredbear, why are you here?" William inquired. The mighty creature swiftly dropped its gaze down onto William. William noted how alert his eyes looked now, the sadness in them still present but momentarily forgotten. He still didn't say anything, waiting for William to say more. He took the que, and continued.

"I thought you'd join the rest of us up in heaven, and would keep an eye over everyone like a god. That you'd play with the kiddens and care for them. Show everyone in there the true magic of  Fredbear's, and what it could've been. Yet... you're down here. In Henry's tomb. Why? There's nothing left in here, for anybody. We defeated Henry, and nearly no one remembers him. And everyone that does doesn't want to. He, and his legacy, are over. Our legacies are over. So, I have ask. Why? Why are you here, and why I am here too?"

William stared at Fredbear expectantly, not noticing how tense he was, or the rise of emotions he was feeling. After a few moments of silence, William thought he wasn't going to get an answer, when he is mistaken by hearing the bear's booming response.

"REGRET." The bear grunted, his eyes almost glazing over again. "Regret?" William repeated. The bear simply nods, and William feels some of the tension he held loosen. Finally, an answer. Maybe the old bear could give him insight on things, if he asked him to elaborate more. William cleared his throat to indicate himself before speaking.

"What regret, exactly?" He asked, his face contorting into a half frown. The bear again didn't answer right away, letting the question hang and ring out considerably before answering.

"THE SAME AS YOU, WILLIAM." The bear replied in a terse manner.

"The same as me?" William's eyes fall to the floor, the man going into deep thought. "I don't understand." He blurts, quickly darting his eyes back to the being. "Fredbear, I did a lot of horrible things. I hurt a lot of people, and ruined a lot of lives. But I don't feel bad about those things anymore. At least, I don't feel fully responsible." William's brow furrows as Fredbear watches him with rapt interest. It was strange, him being so cryptic. It seemed he wanted William to come to his own conclusion on things, yet he couldn't think of anything. What were some things that he had done in his life that he truly regretted? Well, stealing kebabs was one thing, murderin' toddlers was another, but that wasn't it. If he was honest with himself, there were only two things he completely regretted. The first, was meeting and teaming up with Henry Miller. The other....

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