Chapter 3

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For the next week everything went really well

Tim Burton even said that they are doing really well with the filming

Jenna was helping Emma and the other castmates remember their lines

On Thursday Tim Burton said that they can take this friday off

Everyone was happy that they had a day off so Naomi had a plan to go clubbing with everyone

So she asked Emma first

"Do you want to go clubbing on this Friday night?"

"Yeah why not I'm in" Emma answered to Naomi

"Alright I will send you the address then" Naomi said to Emma

And then she went to ask everyone else

After a little bit later Naomi had asked everyone exepct Jenna so she went to ask her

She saw that Jenna was in her trailer so she knocked on the door after a little bit of silence the door opened and Jenna was looking at Naomi

"Yes?" Jenna said to Naomi after a little bit of a silence between them

"Do you want to go clubbing this Friday night?" Naomi asked Jenna

"Who's going?" Jenna asked

"The whole cast" Naomi said to Jenna

"Well then I can't say no"

"Alright I'm going to send the address to you"


And with that Naomi walked away from Jenna's trailer

After a while the filming got done and they all headed to their apartments together

And Naomi gave the address to everyone when they got to the apartments


So that is the third chapter done and if its short then sorry but im in school plus my school got a 💣 threat but thank you for reading this chapter

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