Chapter 20

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As Jenna and Emma walked back .Emma was in deep thought because she was thinking about Lisa, and she thought that  she was too kinda to them because they were celebrities  and normally people would freak out when they saw them but she was just too casual about it
Emma thought that wasn't okay, so she thought maybe she could talk to Jenna about it

"Hey Jenna, have you seen how casual Lisa is with us, and we are celebrities?"

"She sees us as normal people, Emma," Jenna said back to her

"But doesn't it sound a bit weird, you know,she's too casual about that we are celebrities"

"Really, Emma, you need to do this. She sees us as normal people, not some celebrities as we are, and that's refreshing to have these kinda people, Emma."

"But that's still a bit weird, don't you think?"
"No, I don't think so, Emma,what are you jealous about it Emma its not like I'm dating you or something. I can meet new people. "

"Don't you get it Jenna,I think she's playing with us,with you to get fame out of us don't you see how she takes pictures of us together,are you dumb or you are playing dumb"

"Fine,great, you think im dumb Emma your the stupid one here. Why do you think that everyone is against us?"

"Because they are Jenna, the world is like that

"They aren't Emma. If you don't want to hang out with Lisa, then don't I don't mind that because i have so much in common with Lisa, "

"Okay then, yeah, throw away our friendship."

"I'm not throwing away our friendship Emma but if you are being such a bitch I will do that"

"Really you call me a bitch?"

"Yeah because you are" Jenna says to Emma

"Wow" was all Emma said before walking away from Jenna and walking into her own apartment because she couldn't bear seeing Jenna looking at her

"Did I really just called my crush bitch,oh fuck" Jenna thought in her mind until she felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you Jenna I thought I would come and look why are you standing here alone its cold and not safe out here alone" Lisa Said

"Oh yeah sorry I was thinking stuff"

"Let's go to your apartment? Because it's closer than mine. "

"Yeah, okay," Jenna says as they make their way to her apartment

As They get closer to Jenna's apartment, Lisa asks

"Can I come inside? I would love a glass of water. My throat is a bit dry

"Yeah, alright," Jenna says as she opens her apartment door with her key

"You can wait here. I'm gonna get you a glass of water," Jenna says to Lisa as she goes to the nearby kitchen to get her some water

But as Jenna goes to get Lisa a glass of water,Lisa looks around and sees a lot of pictures of what looked like her family and a picture of Emma

As Lisa looks more around, she hears footsteps from the kitchen coming towards her

"So here's your glass of water."Jenna says to Lisa

"Thank you, and your apartment looks cozy,"

"Thanks, that's how I like my apartment, so nothing special about it," Jenna says to Lisa

"Yeah, but why do you have a picture of Emma on here?" She says, pointing to Emma's picture on the cabinet

"It's just a remember what she gave me," Jenna says, her voice tired from working

"I think kyour tires I should go," Lisa says as she walks out of the door

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired, so good night," Jenna says to her as she closes the door and locks the door as well

Lisa walks away with a smirk on her lips

But why?


I'm thinking about adding some angst into it

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