Chapter 13

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The next morning, Jenna woke up next to Emma, and she felt safe next to Emma

So Jenna just looked at Emma as she slept in bed

Soon, Jenna stood up from bed and went to the bathroom, and she thought that she should make some food for both for them

Soon, Emma woke up and saw that she was in a different bed, and then she remembered
What happened last night

So she stood up to ask Jenna how she was but she didn't find her in the bedroom so she went to the kitchen

And she found her in the kitchen making food for both of them

She was making sandwiches

"How are you feeling?" Emma asked Jenna

"Little bit shaken up but good" Jenna answered

"Alright, what are you making?"

"Cheese sandwiches, I hope you like cheese."

"Yeah, I like cheese a lot"

"That's very good"

Jenna made the sandwiches and gave one to Emma, and they sat down and started eating

After thay ate the sandwiches, Emma went to her apartment to take some stuff from there

Jenna took some stuff for her apartment and started to walk to the set because it wasn't really far away, and she wanted to walk a bit

She texted Emma and said that she went to
the set

Emma saw that text, and after she took some stuff from her apartment she started to walk to the set as well

Jenna got to the set, but no one was there except Percy, and soon Percy saw Jenna walking into the set, but he didn't do anything about it

Jenna was really scared to see him on the set so early but Percy didn't even care about Jenna

Soon, Emma came and went to see Jenna because she saw Percy when she came to the set

But Jenna was alright and soon enough all of the cast came and they started filming scenes

They filmed a long time until they took a break and Emma went to see the others

And later they started filming again

They ended the day at 8 and Jenna started walking home alone because Emma went already

As she was walking she saw 3 guys waiting
She didn't know was they waiting for her or someone else but she was scared

And the 3 guys started walking towards Jenna

They pushed Jenna down on the ground and started hitting her

She didn't see who were the guys because they were wearing a mask

Soon they stopped and they let Jenna go

Jenna ran from there so fast as she could
And she called Emma to come to her apartment

Emma went there and saw Jenna beaten up

She comforted Jenna and soon enough Jenna fell asleep and soon enough Emma followed Jenna as she cuddled up with Jenna

Who were the 3 guys?

Will this ever stop?


Soooooooo I did kinda took a break from all of this but here I am again and I actually started this chapter on 4th December and now I ended it

I hope everyone who's reading this has a good day/night/evening

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