
17 2 1


June 27th, 2014

"Everyone is always so afraid of getting hurt. But Jesus Christ I wanna fall for someone who will never love me back, put my heart in his hands and clutch my chest as he tears it apart. I'll let you reach into my to ribcage and break every bone. When i kiss you I hope you bite my tongue until it bleeds and I beg you to stop. Everyone is so scared of feeling pain but you need pain because of those nights when you sit on your bedroom floor convinced that your dead and there's nothing inside you. Those old text from him will still make you cry and that picture of you two kissing in the rain will make you scream and it'll hurt like hell but fuck at least you'll feel something. -"

I'm pulled out of my train of thought whenever my shoulder is hit. I look up remembering that I'm in the school cafeteria.

"Autumn, I've been talking to you for like the past 10 minutes about how my mum got me the wrong MK purse. Have you even been listening ?" My snobby "friend" Tiffany asks me.

"Sorry, I was writing so hard I zoned out." I simply say.

"Your so weird anyways did you hear about that huge party at the Griffins household? It's on Friday and everyone is going to be there! We should totally go!" She says waving her hands in excitement.

"No way in hell." I say.

"Oh come on Autumn all you do is homework! It's been ages since your last party. I don't understand why you won't go your the hottest girl in school and all the boys want you."

"Tiff there is a good reason why I don't go to those shitty parties anymore. All they are are trouble your inviting yourself into the pits of hell."

"That was years ago you've got to move on someday."

"Well that day isn't anytime soon sorry." I say rubbing my temples at the headache that soon formed.

"At least think about it , it won't be the same without you."

"Tiffany." I say beyond annoyed.


"Fuck it I'll go but you owe me big time."


Friday rolls around sooner than I wish it would. Tiffany has been bugging me about it all fucking week. I fucking hate it here. School, home, work, everything. Everything brought back memories. Memories of him.

Sighing I run my fingers through my long wavy hair. I had over an hour to get ready for this party but yet here I was standing in front of my walk in closet looking for something to wear.

15 minutes later I decide to go with a tight black v neck shirt and tight black ripped skinny jeans that compliment my curves nicely. I quickly apply my signature red lipstick , lining my eyes with black eyeliner with wings across the top lid of course, and some mascara. After I put lose beach waves into my hair falling just above my hips. I then grab my black booties and make my way outside to wait for Tiffany and her snobby boyfriend to pick me up.

20 minutes later a red car pulls into my driveway.

"Autumn you look fucking hot!" Tiffany exclaims.

"Uhm thanks - you do too." I say before climbing in the back of the car.

When we pull up at the infamous Griffin house we all get out and make our way to the front door. The front yard is already lined with dozens of drunk teenagers making out, smoking , sleeping - yes I said sleeping well I mean passed out.

Once we make it to the front door Ivan - Tiffany's boyfriend knocks. We are greeted by - you guessed it James and Gavin Griffin.

"Ah nice to see a familiar but old face around here." They say looking at me.

I smile briefly before opening my mouth to speak .

"Don't be too flattered that I'm here I just want some drinks."

"Sassy as I remember, to the left is the kitchen so have fun."

I push my way through the front door and make my way to the kitchen. Grabbing a red solo cup I quickly down it earning a burning sensation that I've missed. I look around at the people around me. I see so many familiar faces of the people that me and him used to hang out with. This was our hang out, our little group, being here made me feel like I had a knife stabbing me in the fucking chest. I turn and grab another drink, taking another sip before deciding to make my way to the backyard.

Fuck I need to stop thinking about him. "Why should you think about him when you know that he isn't thinking about you" My smart ass Conscience adds in.

Before I know it my drink is knocked out of my hand and I'm laying on the floor with someone on top of me.

"Fuck what the hell is your problem!" I yell out.

I look up to see who is on top of me. It's a boy with a mop of brown curls. His piercing emerald eyes burning into mine.

"Sorry love didn't see you, you should really watch were your going." He says, thick accent rolling off his tongue.

I glare at him a minute before he climbs off of me reaching a hand out. He was tall really tall , he had a faded white Rolling Stones t shirt on with black skinny jeans and black boots. I mutter a few cuss words before excepting his hand.

"Your a feisty one aren't you." He says.

"I mean yeah when a fucking stranger who happens to be a dick , knocks your drink out of your hand and falls on top of you then you'd probably be fucking feisty too." I say adjusting my shirt.

"Ouch never heard that one before." He says sarcastically.

"Who the fuck are you anyways ? I've never seen you around." I ask him.

"It's Harry, Harry styles." He says before disappearing into the room of crowded people.

"Harry styles." I say under my breath before shaking him out of my mind.

This is exactly why I don't come to these stupid parties.

Hi there, hope you enjoy the first chapter!!!!! More coming soon

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