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Autumn winters was that kind of girl that seemed invincible. People craved to be this spunky outspoken brunette with the ability to make you fall to your knees - or in love just being in her presence . But there was one problem , no one could break down the wall that she spent years to put up. Sure she has had multiple people try to but no one - and I mean no one could ever crack the secret code of Autumn Winters.

So what happens when she meets a boy ; a boy that has the ablility to crack that code in the snap of a finger , a boy that makes her question herself and everything around her , A boy that goes by the name of Harry styles.

"Whats your deal, your just like all the other boys associated with. They all think that their the shit and know me like there favorite song."

"Wanna know what my deal is Winters?"

I nod at him earning a smug smile .

"I'm in love with you."

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