The Confession

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A/N; sorry for the inconvenience everyone. I forgot my password for a little bit, but everything is better now. Okay, I'll stop distracting you from reading. I hope you enjoy!

Maka's P.O.V;
"Why don't you love me the way I love you?" I asked. He replied by --

Okay all done for this chapter, hope you enjoyed.
I'm just kidding, its okay. I wouldn't do that to you guys.

He replied by a soft and gentle kiss. I blushed insanely. W-what is he doing?! You can't just steal someone's first kiss without asking! I thought, but I was enjoying it deep inside without letting myself believe it. Be broke the kiss and we both we're blushing very deeply. I asked while touching my lips softly, "K-kid?"

Sorry for this short chapter..

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