The Blame

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Close your eyes and dream

As I follow you and watch from afar

I'm close enough to hear you whisper words

But I can't hear them clearly enough to understand

Those words as they escape from your mouth

You don't know that each minute I watch you

Crumble slowly but before you are all gone

You build yourself again

I admire this

And it's the reason why I don't say anything

Because I like seeing you build yourself again

Seeing you become stronger

It becomes harder for me to leave

I know I have to move on

But I can't

For it is me

The Blame for your misery and pain

I'm sorry

I'll always be close enough and watch from afar

Only keeping a distance so you don't see

So you don't love me anymore

Because I don't like how you still love me after everything I've done to you

So I'll leave and force you to move on

And find someone better

For it is me

The Blame for your suffering and bleeding heart

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