Things I've realized, but we don't talk about

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I know I haven't lived long, but 13 years of life makes u realize some shit. At school, I've realized that, the "quiet" ones, have the most wildest imagination ever. I've realized that, the "shy" ones, have the most to say, but either don't express it in the way they want, or can't put it into words. I've realized that, the "disrespectful" ones, aren't actually bad kids. They've just been through a lot, or that's how they have been taught, indirectly. I've realized that, some teachers have no heart. Teachers always assume things and tell the most lies of all time. They honestly lie more than children do. Some actually mean what they say. Others, say it to get through the day. Lemme just remind you that we are children. You can NOT put us in situations where, we feel like we don't matter. Show me you actually care. Listen to what I'm trying to say, look at what I'm trying to show. Think about how I feel, what I could be feeling. You "know" me physically, but not mentally, emotionally, or psychologically. You do NOT know how much I dread going to school. I am going to a place where I am supposed to feel "safe and welcome", yet every time I go to seek for help, you brush me off. YOU DON'T HELP ME!! I am someone who needs guidance in this place, we call Earth. I NEED THE LOVE AND SUPPORT. Some of us don't get that at home, or anywhere else. We think that since, y'all don't care, we can act however we like. REMEMBER YOU ARE OUR TEACHERS, TEACH US SOMETHING WE ALL NEED TO LEARN. TEACH ME HOW TO ACTUALLY BE A LEADER. LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT I CAN ACTUALLY DO. NOT EVERY SINGLE DAY, I'M HAPPY. I AM HUMAN!! I am human. I will make mistakes. I will say and do things, I've never thought I would do. I need you to help me. I need it. Treat me like I'm living, not just another number. If I am feeling not "okay", understand that. Do not push me to "get over it and continue working", some things you just can't get over. I'm not trying to put teachers on blast, but come on now. You have been in my situation, right? THEN FUCKING ACT LIKE IT. DON'T TELL ME ONE THING, THEN DO ANOTHER. ACTUALLY LISTEN TO ME. PUT YOURSELF IN MY SHOES. YOU THINK IT'S EASY LIVING IN THIS GENERATION, WHERE GIRLS GET YELLED AT FOR DOING SIMPLE THINGS, AND BOYS GET EVEN MORE COCKY, BUT SOME DON'T GET PUNISHED FOR IT!?!? YOU THINK IT'S NICE HAVING THE FEELING OF THIS PRESSURE, JUST PUSHING YOU TO BE "PERFECT", GIRLS GOTTA HAVE THAT "PERFECT" BODY, AND BOYS GOTTA HAVE THAT MUSCLE?!?! YOU THINK IT'S FUN GOING TO A PLACE WHERE I WILL GET JUDGED FOR EVEN BREATHING TOO MUCH?!?! YOU THINK IT'S OKAY FOR US TO HAVE SO MUCH PRESSURE ON US, THAT STUDENTS WANT TO COMMIT SUICIDE?!? HELP US. IF YOU SEE THE PAIN ON OUR FACES, HELP!!! DON'T STAND THERE, WHILE I LOOK AT YOU, SILENTLY BEGGING FOR HELP, AND DO NOTHING. HELP ME!! HELP, please. It's not fun, it's not okay, it's not easy, it's not nice. It hurts so much, but we don't show it. This goes out to every adult in the world. Help us. Our friends are dying and we don't know how to process that. Our friends are getting hurt, emotionally or in some other type of way, and they won't always tell us. We need you to swoop in and save us, like you would in the bedtime stories you used to tell us. Be our "superman, our "superwoman". Be our "batman" in the night. We need it. We need you, but we don't talk about it. There are so many things in this messed up world we live in, but we don't ever talk about it. That's our problem. We, as children, don't show our "weaknesses", because we want to feel strong. You, as adults, sometimes see it, but don't speak up. It's a problem we all need to solve, but we don't EVER TALK ABOUT IT. When are we going to realize that this is the cause of most issues, in the world? We don't communicate. My only question is, why did we let it get this bad?

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