Chapter 5

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Bae, Irys, Fauna, Mumei, and Kronii were all gathered at The Council's HQ, an abandoned church located several miles east of the city that Bae and the others had converted to a base of operations a few months ago.

"Through here..." Bae said, motioning for the others to follow her to the HQ's back entrance, which led into a small but pretty garden that Fauna typically maintained.
"Is she okay?" Fauna asked, voice full of worry.
Bae hesitated for a moment, "She seems fine, but... well, you'll see."
Fauna gulped and nodded, her concerns eased slightly.
The five girls stepped out into the back garden and all stared in shock as they caught sight of Sana.
The Speaker of Space was at least twice her normal size and her normally bright pink size limiter that sat atop her head now had dark glowing cracks along its length.
They all stood silently for a moment, until Fauna spoke up.
"W-what happened?" the Kirin asked, shocked at The Speaker of Space's current state.
Sana let out a long sigh, "I'm afraid my limiter got damaged in that battle yesterday, I'm not sure how, but..."The Speaker of Space trailed off, sadness overcoming her features.
"But it's probably for the best if I... return to space." she managed, tears brimming her eyes.
"WHAT!?" Fauna gasped, her heart sinking in despair, "You can't go!"
"Yeah, Sana, we need you!" Mumei interjected pleadingly.
"I wish I could stay, Faufau, but it's honestly safest for me to leave - if my limiter malfunctions completely I'll be so big I destroy the Earth - you guys know that." Sana explained.
"It won't happen." Fauna said resolutely, grabbing hold of one of Sana's big hands, "It won't!"
"Sana, even if it did, I would rewind time, just as I've done every time you've accidentally removed your limiter." Kronii said firmly.
"But then we would be stuck in an endless loop of my limiter malfunctioning and you having to turn back time, Kronini." Sana argued.
"I..." Kronii looked away, Sana was right, and creating an endless cycle like that was in strict violation of her duties as Warden of Time.

"What if... someone could fix it?" Irys offered.
"I don't think anyone 'can' fix it." Sana answered sadly.
"I might know someone..." the Nephalim replied.
Bae looked at Irys with curiosity, "Well, who?"


Koyori's coyote ears twitched curiously as she stood on a stool, looking at Sana's size limiter.
The girls were just outside the holoX hideout as Sana was currently too tall to fit through the door.
"I hate to say it, but I've never seen anything like this." she admitted, "I mean, I can try to tinker with it, this thing really keeps her human sized??"
Bae nodded, "Anything you can think of that might help, Koyori, just keep it on her head."
"If you say so." she replied uncertainly, continuing to carefully examine Sana's limiter.
"Are you... going to be able to fix it?" Fauna asked tentatively.
Koyori looked over at the Kirin."...Maybe, I need to do some serious research about what I'm working with here before I know for sure, the only problem is-"
"Koyori! Are you about done? We're leaving for the mission in an hour!" Laplus Darknesss' voice interrupted, poking her head out from the entrance of the hideout.
"Time..." Koyori finished with a frown and turned her gaze to the rest of The Council.
"Mission?" Irys questioned.
"Top secret holoX stuff, can't share any details, sorry." Koyori quickly replied.
"Give me a minute, Laplus, we're still waiting on Chloe to show up anyway!" she added hurriedly.
"Right." Laplus replied, "That girl I swear, she's been more and more absent lately..."
"So you can fix Sana's limiter?" Mumei prompted anxiously.
"Like I said, maybe." Koyori muttered, reaching out and touching Sana's limiter gently, trying to get a feel for what it could be made of.
"I need a way to fix these cracks..." she continued muttering thoughtfully as Sana shifted uncomfortably.
"Just try your best, Koyori." Irys said.
"Yeah, anything you can do is appreciated." Fauna agreed.
Koyori rolled up the sleeves of her lab coat and nodded, "I always try my best, the one guarantee I can give you is this: your friend is in good hands!" she replied with a grin.
Fauna nodded, silently hoping the coyote was right.

#A/N: tfw you take so long to update the story that The Council isn't even called The Council anymore :p
But I digress, short chapter this time around, finding less time to write these days but still determined to keep working at this story, hope everyone is finding it enjoyable so far, any comments or criticism is appreciated to help me improve!#

[Semi-Canceled Series]The HoloChronicles Book 2: In the Shadow of the WatcherWhere stories live. Discover now