May I Have This Dance, Wheeler? (1)

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Wednesday at Noon:

Nancy's fourth period had just ended and she headed to her locker quickly, carefully avoiding any collisions through the tightly packed hallway. She had been so wrapped up in her thoughts about this year's annual Winter Fest dance that she failed to notice the most popular boy in school, Steve Harrington, following her almost effortlessly through the crowd of students.

At the moment all she could think about was the very girl she planned to ask, Amelia Henderson, Dustin's older half sister. They had never been close, but because of Mike's friendship with Dustin. His sister would often be the one to pick him up if the boys stayed up late playing DnD and sometimes stayed for dinner. Not really strangers, and yet, not the best of friends either but whenever they interacted with one another it was always warm and comfortable. Safe.

For Nancy, even if they weren't as close it seemed like Amelia was always around and they'd end up spending time together because of their younger brothers. She couldn't deny the way Amelia made her feel, it was like her heart would race and she'd feel almost nervous in her company. It was a good kind of nervousness, like when you have butterflies in your stomach.

"God, I hope I don't embarrass myself...I can't even get through a whole conversation with her before I start to become a nervous wreck." She thought to herself with a sigh, as she finally reached her locker.

Only for her to frown in disgust at the sight of Tommy H. and Carol making out sloppily, blocking her way to get into her locker.

"Not to interrupt your session, but your blocking my locker." Nancy says patiently. Tapping the taller boy's shoulder, the couple breaks apart at the interruption.

"Oh, this is your locker? Could have sworn it was mine, my bad Wheeler." Tommy says with a laugh.

"It's fine." She responds nonchalantly. Offering the two an awkward smile, Nancy gripping her books closer into her chest as her blue eyes watch them patiently waiting for when they would decide to move out of the way.

The taller boy wastes no time as he immediately grasps Carol's hand in his, guiding her down the hall most likely in search of a better place to makeout without any interruptions.

"Looks to me like you have some company of your own." Carol says, before they're out of earshot. Her voice teasing as she allows her to be taken away and guided elsewhere by Tommy.

"Company?" Nancy mumbles. Her voice was a low whisper, eyebrows furrowed In confusion as her eyes watched the couple turn around the corner.

When she turned back to look at her locker, Nancy dropped her books as she jumped back in surprise. Her eyes widened in slight shock as she took in the form of Steve Harrington leaning casually against her locker.

"Oh gosh, Steve! You scared the hell out of me..."

Kneeling down to pick up her books, but it seemed that the boy had other plans as he picked them up for her.

"What are you doing here?" Nancy questions. The girl taking the dropped books Steve had politely handed back to her, the boy purposely brushing their hands and the touch caused her to quickly pull away.

She'd only ever seen the popular boy around school, so to her it's a bit odd that he's even talking to her. It's not like Steve wasn't widely known for his reputation and Nancy did not really feel like entertaining him.

"Aw! No, hello Steve? No, how are you doing today? I'm doing good if you wanted to know." Steve states in a playful tone. The boy crosses his arms in mock offense as he moves from in front of Nancy locker, so that she could put away her things.

May I Have This Dance, Wheeler? | Nancy WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now