May I Have This Dance, Wheeler? (2)

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School had finally ended and Barbara had been kind enough to offer Nancy a ride home. The day's events had her mind rapidly flooding with so many thoughts.

"Amelia Henderson."

That was the name Nancy had muttered shyly to her best friend during lunch, and Barbara had been so understanding to the point that all her anxiety vanished in an instant, having admitted her feelings out loud felt unbelievable.

The very name that belonged to the older girl who unconsciously occupied the chestnut-haired girl's mind for the past year and no matter how much she held it down, she could not help but melt in Amelia's presence.

Little by little, Nancy had been confronted with her secret feelings that had steadily been bottled up deep inside her heart and as the time went by it became even more difficult to hold it in.

Being that she was well acquainted with the upperclassmen, Amelia and her were around one another often due to the fact their younger brother's met up frequently for their campaign of Dungeons and Dragons. The very game Nancy's parents considered to be pointless.

No matter how much Nancy avoided her emotions, the 'issue' was she couldn't stop herself from becoming quite fond of the Henderson sister.

Even more than what she imagined.

Amelia was unlike anyone she had ever encountered, the perfect mix of intelligent and beautiful, with a hint of nerdy charm.

This is where her problem arose, the Winter Fest Dance was approaching the two day mark and she had made no progress whatsoever. She couldn't really fault Steve, he had waited till last minute to ask Nancy to accompany him in which she kindly declined because she had known for awhile that she had fallen hard for the upperclassmen.

Just the sheer thought of Amelia accepting her proposal caused a grin to break out across Nancy's face and that mere thought is what pushed the chestnut-haired girl to finalize her decision.

"Tomorrow, after classes are over I'm going to ask her." Nancy thought to herself. Steeling herself for the plan she was plotting in her mind, so that she could ask the girl of her dreams properly to the Winter Fest Dance.


Thursday Morning at the Wheeler residence:

"Mom, can I use the phone real quick to make a call?" Nancy asks in a rush. Her book bag slung over her shoulder.

"Amelia and I are meeting after-school and I wanted to clarify the meeting spot. I would have called earlier but Mike was hogging the bathroom."

Nancy may have exaggerated a bit, because she needed to call Amelia to set up a meeting location and she knew that she should have done it the night before but she sat with the landline in her hand for almost two hours and she had yet to dial the Henderson residence.

Because of Mike's habit of hogging the bathroom, Nancy was in a rush because knowing the upperclassmen, Amelia always had a tendency of being at school early.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm talking to Joyce before she heads into work so that we can plan a sleepover for the boy's this weekend and you know how I like to be prepared." Karen answered. The older Wheeler woman offered her daughter a gentle smile, and a rub of her shoulder.

"Just ask her during your lunch period, you two share it right and you're calling to clarify so I'm sure Amelia has it written down somewhere. You'll be fine, have a good day at school honey."

"Okay, I understand. Thanks mom, you too." Nancy said. The blue eyed girl offers her mom a strained smile, before leaning up to peck her cheek.

"Such bullshit." Nancy thinks to herself, with a roll of her eyes. Turning away from her mom to grab an apple from the table, taking a quick bite.

May I Have This Dance, Wheeler? | Nancy WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now