May I Have This Dance, Wheeler? (3)

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Thursday Evening at the Henderson Residence:

Amelia sighed tiredly as she parked the Ford Station Wagon in the driveway. The sun was starting to set, and she had really pushed it with the final preparations for tomorrow's Winter Fest Dance. Though despite her achievements, her heart felt low at the encounter she had with Nancy after school.

Nancy's proposal had been a complete surprise, she honestly couldn't believe that the younger girl could possibly like her 'that' way. Amelia herself had not been one to encounter any relationship with boys or girls, she'd simply felt no need for it and yet, she had cherished each moment she encountered with the Wheeler girl.

It was hard to decline Nancy's offer because she knew being a homosexual or being remotely different in a small town like Hawkins wouldn't be the easiest feat, hell her little brother was on the nerdy side and he faced judgment for it daily, not to mention his Cleidocranial Dysplasia left him prone to bullying.

She couldn't bear attending the dance, only for people to mistreat the younger girl for attending with the upperclassmen as more then just friends, if that was her intention that is. (She couldn't be to sure because she turned the girl down to quickly for them to have an actual conversation on the matter) People could be cruel and someone with such a sweet heart as Nancy didn't deserve it. So regardless if she wanted to say yes or not, she couldn't knowing the consequences.

"She's better off..." Amelia murmurs to herself, sighing heavily as she shuts off the ignition and collects her school bag before exiting the parked vehicle. She could still recall the sadness that filled Nancy's expression, it was heart wrenching to see.

When Amelia entered the house, she hung up her school bag on the coat rack and slipped off her Doc Martin's. She could hear her younger brother raving to their mom in barely contained excitement. As she exited the foyer, Amelia couldn't stop the small smile from appearing on her face from the happy look on her Dustin's face.

"Amelia, sweetheart! I was wondering when you'd be back, you're later than usual." Claudia exclaimed, a smile gracing her features at the sight of her eldest child. She always worried that Amelia was pushing herself too hard, and was hoping that since the dance would be coming to close the girl could take a well deserved break.

"Student Council ran late, we had to finalize the last minute preparations for the Winter Fest Dance tomorrow night." Amelia explained, the girl reaching down to pet Mews the ginger tabby as the feline rubbed himself affectionately on her pants leg, meowing for love.

"It's your last year, don't you want to enjoy the time you have left Amelia?" Claudia asked curiously, her daughter had a habit of working so hard but she rarely ever took time for herself.

"You've always been so back and forth that you never seem to catch a break. Are you even attending the dance this year, you haven't mentioned buying a pretty dress or anything."

"I won't be attending, my job as president has already been fulfilled. I'm leaving the rest to my team who will be in attendance." She replied simply, it was the truth. The same truth she had tried to explain to Nancy but the younger girl's heart had already been smashed to bits.

There was something in Amelia's voice that caught Dustin's attention, their mom was sometimes oblivious to it because all she ever hoped was for her children to have everything they needed and she'd always support them. But it was clear to him that his mom missed the tinge of sadness that was vaguely concealed in her voice.

"Lia! I missed you today." Dustin said, moving to hug his sister tightly, not caring if it interrupted Mews rubbing. The cat meowed in agitation but gingerly moved to Claudia's lap where she resumed petting him behind his ears.

May I Have This Dance, Wheeler? | Nancy WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now