Alex dunphy

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Alex has always been under a lot of stress her whole life and she has dealt with it in unhealthy ways and bottled it down so she can get the best grades until she met y/n her best friend now girlfriend of almost two years and friend of five. She has gotten better at letting it all out and you helping her and calming her down and you're the only one who can stop the attacks and help. You were heading to Alex's parents house to pick her up for a date at seven to ask her to move in with you (you've both just finished college at Caltech) so you were finishing the last touches to make it great, while Alex is studying for her exam and is stressing out. It's around three and Alex is in her date outfit cause she knows she will forget if she doesn't change, she's walking around the house reading the textbook and then reaching the kitchen where her whole family is.
H- wow Alex since when did you dress like that and not a complete dork
Alex ignores them as she is studying too hard
G- yeh you look amazing, are you going on a date
L- yeah are you?
C- wait do you have a boyfriend?
H- since when did you have one of those?
They keep bombarding Alex with questions and she's not holding it together anymore and the extra questions from her family are stressing her out more, until she starts to not being able to breath and hyperventilating
A- mom
She barely chokes that out while dropping the large textbook and collapsing on the ground sitting on the floor, her family rushes up and goes over to her
P- what's happening
Alex can't answer
C- I think she's having a panic attack
L- what should we do
H- I don't know I've never seen her have one
A- c-call y/n
All - who's y/n?
A- j-just... call her! Emergency...con—contact!
Haley gets Alex's phone and calls y/n
On the phone
U- hey gorgeous what's up? Ready for our date already
You joke and laugh as you have no clue it's her sister who called you and that your girlfriend is having a panic attack
H- umm... it's her sister Haley
U- oh.. hi? What's up what happened with Alex
H- how did you—
U- Alex will never let you or anyone else apart from me on her phone so what's happened with her
H- we think she's having a panic attack
U- ok give her the phone and on speaker
Haley does what you say
U- hello love
A- h-hey
U- ok so I want you to take deep breaths and follow my breathing ok... in... and and...out
A- that's not h-helping!
U- ok ok I'm on my way I need to see you face to face but keep on the phone, let's try and distract you yeh? you remember when we were watching the first episode of Dickinson and you saw Emily and sue kiss you were so shocked and confused as you always thought the real Emily Dickinson died lonely without any husband or children
A- y-yea you l-laughed at my reaction
U- yeah cause you're probably one in a million people who know so much about that talented poet but I just watched the show because of Hailee steinfield
A- t-that's another reason
You both laugh, you can see it's getting better but you can tell her attack is bad
U- ok love I'm almost at your house can you sister let me in
H- on it
As soon as she opens the door as you pull up, lock you car and run into the Dunphy house
U- sorry for Barging in Haley
You run to the kitchen where you see her whole family in a little circle staring at her
U- ok Umm hi I need you all to step back and give her space it's making her attack worse
J- Who are you
U- a...friend of Alex's
You turn to Alex
U- hey gorgeous you couldn't wait to see me later so you have a panic attack
You giggle slightly ad she knew it was a joke
A- a-any excuse to see y-you
You hold her hands and she immediately takes comfort
U- ok so 5 things you can see
A- my family, you, the t-table,...g-garden and the-the tv
U- you doing so well mi amor, now 4 things you can touch
A- you, the...chairs, floor, your bracelet I-I always f-fiddle with
U- you're doing so well now three things you can smell
You can tell Alex is visibly calmer and more responsive
A- leftover lunch mom made, your perfume I got you for your birthday and lukes dirty socks
U- perfect Alex now two things you can taste
A- my lunch and apple
U- great now only one more thing, one thing you can hear
A- my family talking and asking who you are
U- yea I know, you ok now
A- not really but im glad your here
U- me too
You help her up and she pulls you in for a tight hug
U- you're ok, you can talk to me about anything right? You know I'm here for you...always 24/7?
A- I know but you here is just what I want
You kiss her forehead and pull her back in for a hug
C- honey who is this and why she your emergency contact and not us
A- cause she's the only person I need to have on there
C- I'm your mother
A- and she's my girlfriend I want her to be the first one to know if something happens to me
All- your what?
A- shit
Alex grabs her textbook then takes your hand starts to run to her room
U- umm nice to meet you all
You both get to her room
U- babe you have to tell them eventually and you kinda just told them and I mean you came out to me years ago and we have been dating for two nearly three years now
A- I know I know but this isn't the way I wanted to tell them
U- when like when I propose to you?
Alex looks at you in shock
A- you want-want to me?
U- eventually yes, we basically live together already and I can't even imagine being with anyone else so one day I will propose and hopefully you will say yes
A- of course I'd say yes
You've never seen her smile this hard
U- I love you babe but you're going to have to face your family eventually
A- or...we can climb out the window and go home
U- not gonna happen, so we can lay here for a while but from the stories you've told me they are gonna barge into the room sooner or later
A- I want to go home babe
U- we can whenever you want but after the convocation with your family I need to meet them sooner or later, we are adults, been dating for 2 years, we want a future together and you want your family to be apart of it don't you?
A- yes of course I do
U- then let's go downstairs?
A-... ok
U- ok
You her back up from her old bed then take her hand to go downstairs. Once you go downstairs you are met by her whole family
U- geez you weren't wrong about them
A- yeh I know
C- wrong about what
U- nothing, just Alex described you all perfectly
L- how can you figure that out you just got here
U- I don't psychology and criminology for my masters and my doctorate in psychology I am very good at profiling
A- yeh she works for the fbi
H- really? That's so cool
L- so do you have a gun?
U- yea I do
C- that's not very safe
U- ma'am I'm very well trained and one of the best marks person in my unit and the fbi
Cam- so who are you
U- Dr SSA y/n l/n nice to meet you cam?
Cam- yeh I'm cam and this is my husband Mitchell and our daughter Lily
U- hey kid
L- can you teach me how to use a gun
U- one day if your parents let you
L- sweet
Lily walks off
U- cool kid
C- I'm Claire Alex's mom
P- I'm phil I'm her dad
G- I'm Gloria her cousin
U- I know who all of you are you are the grandmother and you look amazing
G- aww thank you
J- I'm jay her grandpa
U- nice to meet you all
M- so who are you to Alex?
U- I'm her...
A- girlfriend she's my girlfriend
H- so how land have you been dating
U- 2 almost 3 years now we basically live together
C- you've moved in with each other
A- yeh where do you think I am, you don't pay for my college housing anymore
U- yeh you all should come for dinner one day only my family has been to our place
P- how long has your family known about you guys
U- you met my family like 3 months in right
A- yeh I think so
H- why did it take you this long to introduce us
A- I wasn't out and me and y/n was like in our own little bubble near caltech and we liked it that way
U- and my family wanted to meet the girl who I was raving about so soon into dating and since I'm fbi and a fair bit of my work is classified they want to at least meet one girlfriend cause they think one day I won't come back
A- babe not helping my anxiety right now
U- sorry gorgeous
You kiss her cheek
C- are you putting my daughter in danger
U- no I made sure no one will ever find out about my private life and I am well known and there are people who will make sure my family and Alex are protected since one serial killer has got to my coworkers before, I'm only in the field 50% of the time the rest I'm desk duty so I'm not away all the time and I'm one of the best hackers in the world
A- ok that's enough work talk and look that the time we have a date
U- yeh, here I got you flowers
A- thank you they are beautiful
U- let's go darling... it was lovely to meet all of you it's nice to put the names and stories to the faces
P- said stories
U- yeh very funny and interesting family to say the least
A- let's go
You guys leave for the date and ever since you met her family they've been multiple family events you've seen them since and Phil and Jay were very happy giving you their blessing for you to ask Alex to marry her

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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