{3}- Tis' Nothing But Small Fry

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Multiversal Core Domain

Shell Sector Vertex Region

2.47 vigintillion years since Multiversal creation event

"Looks like they're already coming for us."

"No shit."

"You think you're ready?"

"Born ready."

Omnivus and I sat on an asteroid in the Vertex Region of MCD's Shell Sector, gazing at shooting stars while a few particularly bright rainbow streaks seems to be headed right for us.

"Simply Class 1 Gods? They are underestimating us."

"That's better than being overestimated. At least you'll possess a tactical advantage."

"Hm. You're not wrong." Forming a sword that I used to slay many of my enemies, I casted a glance of certainty at the incoming rays of light.

"Hey, Omnivus."


"Thank you for staying by my side all this time."

"What are you talking about? You're my creator - someone who turned into something more than just scraps discarded by gods. I'll never leave your side."

"I'm glad, then..."

Leaping off of space itself, I propelled myself in the direction of the incoming deities. I gripped the sword in my hand before it doubled itself, slotting its copy in my other. This was one of my favourite swords - it's name is Zillo Shards.

The crafter had tempered with the dimensionality of this object, allowing to shift through states of dimensions at will. This allows for imperceptible attacks that cannot be perceived depending on the dimensionality of the opponent. Of course, this wouldn't work against gods, who manipulate all 6, but that's when it's other feature came into use.

Whoever made this must be truly a craftsman of all time. By utilizing the specific type of energy from its world of origin, a variation of the original qi, the user is able to split the blade into millions and billions of shards, controlling each one at will with the capability of passing through even the strongest defences.


The blades shattered on command and formed into two storms of blade shards, swirling alongside me while I prepared for impact.

"Five seconds remaining!" Omnivus warned as the rainbow streak of light got brighter by each passing second, and I utilized specific hand signs in quick succession to manipulate the qi flow in my body.

[Zillo Shards Configuration Three - Orbis Rota]

The shards zoomed forwards in front of me and formed a large, circular barrier akin to a reversed radar dish, deflecting the beam of light that was set to obliterate me. It probably wouldn't even hurt, but showing off this early may lead to devastating consequences later on.

"Not bad, Transcendent."

A voice sounded behind me as four more Class 1 gods dropped in the space beside myself, surrounding me with 'no escape'. Of course, they were nothing but small fry - even skilled regular Transcendents can kill one if they be careful.

"Now explain your presence here - for you are trespassing on the sacred territory of-"

"You talk too much, minor god."

With a single slash, I severed his body to pieces, leaving his comrades in shock.

[Zillo Shards Configuration One - Gladius]

Outerworlder's Thesis - Mundo Infinitum Prequel #1Where stories live. Discover now