New Friend

32 1 14

July 6th, 2025, Day 702

Bad and Skeppy had been traveling for some time, just following the footprints that they hoped belonged to one of their friends.

It was mid-day and they still hadn't found any other indication that there was anyone left of the Islanders but them. Skeppy was walking in the front, his eyes on the ground and the footprints. His mind was full of every possible scenario that could explain this.

He hoped that they hadn't been killed. For some reason, people still had the sense to hide bodies when they made a kill. And that fact made Skeppy worried. 

Did they look hard enough? What if their friends' bodies had been thrown in the lake after they'd been killed? Had the even been killed? Were they zombies or Drowned now? 

Skeppy's thoughts were spiraling again, down down down into that dark, craggy, dangerous path in the depths of his mind. Every bad thing he could think of eating away at his resolve. He just wanted to go home and for everything to be okay.

Bad seemed to notice that Skeppy's head wasn't in a good place right now, but he didn't feel like talking to his comrade, not now, at least. 

He looked at the ground, wondering if anything had changed, only to see that there wasn't a single footprint there

"Skeppy! You muffinhead you weren't paying attention!" Bad groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He wasn't sure how much longer he could deal with Skeppy's idiocy. 

Said diamond hybrid was also displeased with himself. His cheeks burning with embarrassment, and he was fidgeting with the sleeve of his hoodie to relieve some of that stupid feeling of embarrassment.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought." Skeppy apologized, the color of the little diamond shards on his skin slightly pink due to his cheeks gaining a light dust of blush. Bad let out an annoyed huff and then shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

The half demon looked at his diamond friend, then sighed. "Please don't do it again, Skeppy." He said, kicking a rock awkwardly. "Mhm." Skeppy hummed quietly, before turning and walking back the direction they came.

Or rather, thought they came. 

As they went further south, they realized that it was the wrong way. Mainly because they saw no footprints like before. 

"Bad, I think that maybe, we might be, possibly, just a little... lost."

"Ya think?!" 

Bad put his face in his hands and made a long, drawn out groan. He lifted his head after a moment to study their surroundings. The trees were looming over them, their branches stretching over the once-well-used path, reaching for any travelers beneath their sturdy boughs.

It was almost comforting, the natural feel of it all. How close the trees were, and how overgrown the path was, like no one had used it in years. 

Little buttercups were scattered like specks of sunlight all over the lush green forest floor. The dirt hiking path had weeds growing all over it, and old leaves were hiding in the bushed and around the roots of the trees.

When someone imagines an apocalyptic world, most often, they think of abandoned buildings, ruined cities, and dead bodies. Of course, in the midst of the chaos and fear of a standard apocalypse setting, no one thinks of the beauty it brings. 

With factories shut down, the air feels just a tad bit cleaner.

With not as many people, nature can grow freely.

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