Chapter One

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Darkness. A mixture of shock and pain, followed by a sense of peace. Yet, a tad bit of anger lingered. All of this ended with a feeling of being light, like a cloud. A feeling of enlightenment, so to speak.

"Psssst." Came a noise. That enlightenment was fading. It sort of felt like the light was being taken out of everything. Being brought down to the center of the planet. This brought back the senses that Jason was missing. "Pss pss pssst. You here?" Came the noise that turned into an almost soothing voice. With a bit of effort, Jason opened his eyes. He realized he was sitting down, his forehead pressed against the steering wheel. A bloody steering wheel, in fact.

"Oh hell." Jason whispered. Besides feeling drained, he felt normal. It didn't feel like anything was broken or that he was losing blood.

"Well that's one way to say it." Came the voice. Jason tried to turn his head to the left, in the direction of the voice, straining in the process. He saw a young girl, probably in her late teens, through the shattered glass window of the driver's side of the car. She had short brown hair, pale skin, and oceanic blue eyes. "Well it's real neato that you're alive!" She exclaimed. "Well, I guess not alive "alive", but I guess you get...the idea?" She frowned, not convinced. "No. Probably not. Forget it. The real question is how to get you out of this jam. The door's not opening. So, collect yourself and just climb through the shattered window." She waved a hand and said, "A couple more scratches never hurt anyone."

It did take Jason a minute to get into the right mindset, but it was quite easy for him to squeeze out of the car when he tried. He looked back into the car and a notch formed in his stomach. There was a pale body, more like a corpse, in the vehicle. "What the hell is this!?" Jason asked, his voice rising.

"Oh," The girl replied, seeming not to notice. "That's technically you."


"And you're technically dead."

"I'm dead?"

"Wow, we're actually having a conversation!" She replied jokingly.

"I'm dead!?" Jason was stunned. How'd this happen? Granted, the accident looked bad, but he was dead? He couldn't remember anything!

"Yep. And the guy who killed you is," she frowned, looking around, "right...over...there!" She exclaimed, pointing down the street a bit. It was Jason's turn to frown. He realized that they were pretty much in the middle of nowhere. In the desert a couple miles out of town. But what made him frown in puzzlement even more was the car in the ditch that the girl was pointing to. He could see the back half of the blue car pretty much just sticking out of the ground, glistening off the moonlight. "Drunk driving at its finest." She remarked.

Jason's mind started accelerating as the pieces started falling into place. The argument with his girlfriend. The drive away from town. The light. The swerve. The darkness. "Jesus Christ." He muttered.

"Funny!" The girl exclaimed, honestly startling Jason back to this so called "reality". "That is exactly what that guy said." Pointing to the blue car. Just then, a pair of other headlights came into view behind them. The vehicle started to slow down, and then the all too familiar red and blue lights flipped on. A highway patrol officer. The vehicle passed by where Jason and the girl were standing, pulling up a couple feet behind the blue car. Throwing on the high beams, the officer got out of the vehicle and approached the driver's side of the blue car. He stood there for a moment, then just shook his head.

He turned and surprisingly started to sprint towards Jason. Or, more like Jason's car. Jason's mouth was dry. He couldn't say anything, not even make out a word. The cop ran right past him and their arms would have knocked into each other, but instead, they just went right through. Kind of like a hologram or something of the sort.

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