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Hello dear members!!!! 

A Ramayana Community by the most famous and naughty brother sister duo. They are known as Manaa and Ketu in Mahabharat Family has now started a new community for Ramayana lovers too. 

The ever mischievious kids were so bored in doing pranks in Dwapar yug so they have decided to time travel to Treta yug and play pranks there too. People who don't know anything about their antics😉😉 get to know it now ( BharataCommunity is the best example)

Who is excited to be a part of Family of these two kids in Treta yug? 🥰

And who wants to get pranked by them? 🤪

One more suprise is that the well known naughty boy of Dwapar yug, the Drama King has officially turned into the Drama Queen aka changed his gender into a girl in Treta yug😂😂😂😂
So Ketu -Rashmi- is going to be a Girl now.

Oopsiee! We just realised that we the then living fourth-generation kids of Kurus is now most probably gonna be the now living second-generation kids of Treta.
Which means No Grandma or Grandpa here??🥺

C'mon who is Gonna be our saviour from the punishment from our parents after doing pranks?? 🤕
Oh wait, we aren't just pranking duo, but we are smart as well. There's someone who can still be our saviour 💡
(Sasuraal waale ab kaam nhi aayenge toh fir kab aayenge?😜)

We are gonna be your favorite Daughter-in-laws, Ryt our In-Laws? 🥺

Heh, Jokes aside, it's time now to fill the form ASAP to be a part of our Family. Follow the rules.



1. Follow this account

2.Follow the admins -Rashmi- and TK151224

3.give shout out

4. no bashing

5.your active participation in community activities is important

6. No characters or Face claims should be repeated

7.Fictional characters are allowed




Face claim


reason for joining

reason for taking this character



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