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Hello family members!!!!

As we all know our beloved Sita's birthday is coming up. Hence we Admins have planned some events to conduct on the day of Sita's Birthday. The members who wished to add more events other than these which will be listed below can text the admins. So these are the followimg events planned.

1. Morning Puja

2. Cloths and Gifts will be distributed to the citizens

3.  A ritual will be performed where Sita will be sitting on one side of the big measuring scale while other side will be filled with the gifts

4. last but not least a Night Party will be arranged

If any members have any suggestions feel free to share.

That's all for now i guess

So what are you guys waiting for Are you all excited?

And Kids don't get tired so fast because we have a long day where we can prank the elders XDXD

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