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WEEKS LATER, ME AND CONRAD WERE ON A DATE.. a double date with Belly and Jeremiah to be specific.All night I felt the tension between the three of them.I know something happened.I just don't know what happened exactly.
"So..Belly" I looked at the girl with a smile "Conrad said that your friend, Taylor will arrive here tomorrow, are you excited?"
"Uhm..yes,yes, I mean she is my best friend and I can't wait to meet her again"
"And to tell her that you and Jeremiah are dating" Conrad added
"Yeah, yeah that too" Belly nodded her head, but she didn't looked at Conrad directly
"Did something happened between you two?" Asked Jeremiah while looking at his brother "something that you two want to tell us?"
"Nothing" they said at the exact same time
"Nothing happened" Conrad spoke up after a minute of silence "right,Belly?"
"Right..I have to go to the bathroom" Belly stood up from the chair
"I'll go with you" I stood up too and went to the bathroom with her.

"What's up with you and the boys?" My voice was quiet "and don't say nothing, i can see that something happened between you three.."
"I shouldn't be the one to tell you this"
"What Conrad did?kissed you?or what?"
"You should ask him that, not me!"
"You know him,he is not going to tell me!" I yell out "what the fuck happened between you and Conrad?"
"He said he loves me" Belly speaks up after a minute of silence.It was much more worse then just a simple kiss..hell, I have been praying that it was just a stupid kiss.My heart broke into a million pieces,I felt the tears running down my face..
"Tell him I didn't feel well and went home" that's all I said after.I ran home, not to the beach house,but to my mother who might be drink but still..she is who I need right now.

"Here baby, don't cry because of that Cornel or what's his name.."
My Mom handed me a vanilla ice cream
"Conrad" I snipped "why am I never enough?why?why is Belly better?why?"
"Don't blame that girl, blame your boyfriend!he is the one who did this,not you or Belly" She sighs "maybe he just can't handle a girl like you, someone who.. doesn't feel scared to be herself,to stand up for herself, he maybe needs someone he can protect..like your dad, he couldn't handle me"
"Dad is an asshole" I bite down on my lip
"Just like Conrad" She said "want something to drink?"
"Yeah, that would be great" I nodded my head
"Alcohol" I looked away from her.
Safe to stay, by the end of the day I didn't even remembered what Conrad did, and to be honest I don't even want to remember his name..

better than revenge, conrad fisherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz