Riptide (Pt 2)

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3rd POV: 6 hours after 

Logan's world was a storm of emotions, each one more painful than the last. The taste of whiskey lingered on his lips as he stumbled out of the bar, his heartache threatening to suffocate him. The night seemed to swallow him whole, his steps reckless and unsteady as he crossed the dimly lit street without a second thought.

His mind echoed with Rory's words, a haunting melody of rejection and regret. The weight of her words pressed against his chest, a relentless ache that mirrored the physical pain he was in. He replayed the conversation in his mind, the way her voice trembled when she turned him away, the words that cut through him like a knife.

And then, in a moment of sheer desperation, he stepped onto the road without looking, hoping for the oblivion of unconsciousness.

The screech of tires and the sickening thud of impact shattered the night.


When Logan opened his eyes, he found himself in a sterile hospital room, his body protesting with every movement. He kept his eyes shut, not ready to face the reality of his reckless actions. He was certain no one would come, no one would care enough to visit him.

But then he heard the door open and the sound of her voice – soft, yet filled with an unmistakable mix of anger and concern. Rory's presence washed over him, pulling him out of the darkness. He kept his breathing steady, pretending to be unconscious, as he listened to her talk.

"Logan, why on earth would you be so reckless? Why would you drink so much? God! Something could've happened to you! You could've died! Can't you see that? Can't you understand how much you mean to everybody? How much you mean to me? I-" she was angry, but her voice wavered and the words were laced with regret. "I-" Her voice quivered, filled with remorse as she placed a trembling hand on his bandaged one. His fingers were cold, a stark contrast to the warmth she had once known. 

Both of their minds swirled with memories - the first time they met, the late-night conversations, the laughter that seemed to erase the weight of the world. Each cherished moment was a sharp pang in their chests. 

"I love you, Logan." she continued, her voice breaking on the words. "So much, that it hurts when I'm not with you. I made a horrible mistake, I wish I hadn't but I did, and I hurt you. I hurt you and I-, I cannot carry with this guilt of you drinking and throwing yourself into traffic because I rejected you! You can't just make me carry with that!"

Her words hung in the room, a haunting echo of everything he felt. 

Logan felt a lump form in his throat, an overwhelming mix of gratitude and guilt. Gratitude for her unwavering love, and guilt for the pain he had caused her, for the weight of his own despair that threatened to extinguish the light she saw in him.

Rory's tears fell freely, staining the hospital sheets beneath her trembling fingers. She felt the weight of her decisions pressing down on her, a burden she couldn't escape. "God, Logan. I never would've thought this is what you would do after you left. If anything, I thought you had slept with 30 girls already. That is, until I got the call." Her words were a torrent of emotions, her voice a raw testament to her feelings. It tore at Logan's heart, but he remained still, keeping his eyes closed, absorbing every word.

Rory's anger was laced with deep sadness, a poignant reminder of what they had lost. When she stopped talking, he felt the warmth of her lips press gently against his forehead, a tender kiss that left behind a lingering promise. The room felt empty without her presence, yet it was filled with the essence of her love.

A lone tear escaped from beneath Logan's closed eyelids, sliding down his temple and soaking into the pillow beneath his head. He wished he could reach out to her, to hold her close and tell her that he felt the same, that he was drowning in the abyss of his own emotions.

When the door closed behind her, Logan finally allowed himself to open his eyes, his vision blurred by the tears that distortioned the world around him. He stared at the bouquet of blue peonies she had left behind, each petal a testament to her undying affection. 

In that moment, Logan knew he couldn't keep pretending. He couldn't ignore the truth any longer – Rory still cared, even after everything. And as he reached out to touch the flowers, his heart, though broken, held on to a flicker of hope.

And so, he made a silent vow -  He would fight for her, not just for his own sake, but for the love they shared, a love that refused to die even in the face of despair.

Fun fact: When Rory was overwhelmed with finals and studying, Logan would drag her out of the libary, into his dorm, order thailanese takeout, play some music and dance in the middle of his dorm so that she made fun of him for his terrible latin dancing skills and could forget about everything.

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