Spilling the alcohol

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TW: Mention of self harm

Finn, Colin, Paris, Madeline, Louise and Rory sat at the furthest table from the bar. Logan had busied himself with work last minute and couldn't make it.

Madeline was making an overexagerated imitation of Rory, pretending to be obssesed with reading and drinking insane amounts of coffee.

Rory would laugh along, trying not to take herself to seriously and instead entretain by making fun of herself, adding things along the way.

Until it got to a point where no sensible human should steer a truth or dare.

"Rory, be real with me for a sec. Truth or dare?" Louise said, lowering the glass of martini and pressing her elbows against the table.

"Alright. Can't promise to make you look good, though. Truth." Rory laughed, interested.

Louise nodded as Finn laughed, taking a shot of tequila and placing it harshly on the table. All eyes were on her now, and the laughter quieted down as the interest piqued.

"What you told me all those years ago at Chilton, were you doing it for attention?" She asked. Rory furrowed her eyebrows and laughed again, taking a sip of her cocktail. "I told you a lot of thing in Chilton, Louise, I think you'll have to be more specific."

Paris shifted in her seat, knowing where the conversation was leading to. "Hey, Louise, remember when you told me in high school-"

"Wait, Paris, I want Rory to answer the question." She interrupted, her stare focused fully in the brunette in front of her. Louise placed a lock of hair behind her ear, leaning into the table. Finn, Colin and Logan stared at her expectant.

"Is it true Rory," she took a sip from her martini, "that you said cut your arms open for attention when we were in high school?"

The atmosphere shifted drastically, from a careleass warmth to a rigid air. Time paused for a moment, the reality of the phrase sinking into every one of the members of the table. Logan's eyes inmediately snapped towards her, growing impossibly wide as he stared at the girl who had shown him what was like to love someone truly, the girl making plans thirty years from then, self harming. Slowly, all of their gazes heaved themselves towards Rory, whose face had paled to ashen, and was now tensely staring at Louise's eyes, unbelieving.

"What?" Finn asked, a solemn dullness finding its way onto his stare as he turned to Louise, bewildered.

"Yeah, you guys didn't know? She told us in senior year, said she'd been doing it since she was sixteen and was trying to stop and whatnot." She announced nonchalantly, not reading the room.

"Why on earth would you say that?" Colin asked

"What do you mean?" Louise asked, confused.

Rory gripped the cocktail, so tightly that her knuckles turned white and it shattered under her grip, startling the rest as she stood. "Well, Louise," Anger boiled in her blood, the tone of her voice was low, like subdued thunder, "if you mean that I took sharp things," She grabbed a shard of the newly broken glass holding it up for the others to see. Lifting the left sleeve of her cardigan, she showed the old scars that ran across her arms, polluting her fair skin. "and sliced my arms, legs and torso with them," She raised her arm, and with the piece held tightly within her fingers, she cut herself, close to her elbow. "then yes, I did." Her eyes were focused only on Louise, ignoring the shocked and worried stares she was receiving from them. She again lowered her sleeve, letting the blood from her arm stain it. "But I didn't do it for attention. I did it because I was fucking depressed." She grabbed her jacket and placed it atop her shoulders, as well as her purse.

"But of course, for you, depression must be something you can just choose not to be. Just don't be sad, am I right?" She spat.

Finn looked at her wide eyed. Colin stood frozen in his place. Madeline glared at Louise, whilst Paris stood and walked up to Rory, removing the shard from her hand, which was now cutting her fingers.

She walked out of the bar, the crimson red stain a stark contrast to the white cloth in her cardigan. The tears in her eyes prickled, the anger within her burning like a flame licking a wall, ready to consume everything near.

Behind her, the others yelled at Louise, who was now in tears. Finn stood up, walking to a corner as he took out his phone, making a call.

"What's up, Finn?"

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