Untitled Part 4.

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Next day.

There's a knock on the front door.

Kohen goes to get up.

He looks to see who's at the door then he opens it.

"Luca . "Said Kohen.

Deluca Jiro Chen- he's Grayson's middle brother.

Stephen Junya Chen- he's Grayson's oldest brother.

All of the Chen  brothers have Japanese middle names that start with the letter J.

"Is my brother up. "Said Luca.

"I'm here. "Said Grayson who was dressed and ready to go.

Stephen is in his early thirties while Deluca is in his late twenties.

Grayson was going to help his brothers put some stuff up for their parents.

Meanwhile Kohen was planning on proposing to Grayson.

Everyone but Gray knows about it.

Kohen is making homemade dumplings and peach lemonade.

He already had the simple gold band.

Grayson came home to see the food on the table.

Kohen walked in wearing this green flowy button down shirt that Grayson thinks looks so good on him.

The color matched his eyeshadow.

After dinner was over, he proposed.

Grayson said yes.

Basically their relationship in a sexual way is like this Grayson likes to give but Kohen likes to receive but with verse to him if you know what I mean.

They like taking care of each other in other ways.

They act like a marriage couple but in a nonharmful kind of way.

They love each other a lot and have a equal partnership, Kohen doesn't have to cook but he chose to but cooking is a important thing to them.

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