Untitled Part 20

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Christmas time.

Someone who didn't know the couple adopted twins went to go talk to them.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you guys."

"It's okay. "

"Yeah but we tired one more time to adopt and ended up adopting twins."


Kohen is papa while Grayson is baba it's easier this way and the twins are half Chinese like Grayson so it's perfect.

Speaking of the twins they were playing with some of their cousins.

They have larger then live personalities and people can tell which parent they act like.

They might not be their parents' bio kids but they got a lot of their personalities.

Marely is shy but once she gets to know you she's loud which is like both of her parents.

Cyan is loud but also wants to be friends with every kid he meet, which is something Kohen did when he was little.

Someone asked if the couple would adopt again.

They didn't know.

It took two sad, upsetting years just to get to this point and yes they wanted to more kids but they also didn't want to go thought heartache again.

"Maybe. "Said Kohen.

"We just don't want to go thought that heartache again. "Said Grayson.

The bio Chinese grandparents of the kids were still mad at their daughter Sophia for doing what she did.

The guy who got her pregnant never wanted to be a parent either so it worked out for everyone but Sophia's parents who felt like it was her duty as a woman to be a mother.

Her duty was whatever she decided it to be.

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