Chapter 49: Beautiful City of Athens

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Natasha's POV

We arrived at the site Valerian was talking about and I was in complete awe seeing the beautiful and spacious landscape.

"What are you planning to build here?" I asked Valerian, my voice coated with admiration of the place.

It's a bit windy and I love it.

It feels so refreshing and peaceful.

"Another empire," Valerian answered.

I can't help but smile now that I know what that means and why he's doing something like this.

I admire how hardworking Valerian is. He really goes all out for his work. He meets with investors and business partners in a different country to build what he envisions.

I admire his dedication.

"Gosh, it's so beautiful here," I muttered as I took a deep breath of air.

"You like it here?" Valerian asked.

I nodded almost immediately. "Yes, I do. I like it here very much."

I can't help but start wandering around the place.

There's really nothing in the place yet except a huge field of grass and small trees but it is such a beauty to me. The whole place is so nice to look at.

It reminds me of my town again. Gosh, this place makes me miss home and my friends.

I could not help but wish that one day I would visit Greece again but with my friends that I love this time.

I suddenly stopped when I felt hot stares all over me.

I turned to see Valerian and I was right. He was standing not too far away from where I was with his hands in his pockets and his eyes all over me.

He was staring at me intently. His eyes follow me wherever I go.

I can't help but let out a chuckle as I walked back to Valerian.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing," Valerian answered, still staring at me intently. "I just enjoy watching you enjoy."

My lips immediately rose into a smile upon hearing what he just said.

"Don't I look weird?" I asked, chuckling awkwardly.

Valerian shook his head almost immediately. "Not at all."

I blew a breath of relief.

I can't help but get anxious knowing Valerian is watching me-- especially the way his eyes scan me.

I might look weird and ugly and he might be laughing internally at how stupid I look but thankfully that was not the case.

"Do you really enjoy here?" Valerian suddenly questioned.

I creased my forehead. "Of course. I enjoy everything here. Why do you ask?"

"Well, that just put a lot of pressure on me." He chuckled. "I must bring you to the place where you will going to like and enjoy so much."

I heaved a sigh as I looked straight into Valerian's eyes. "You could bring me anywhere and I still would enjoy. . ."

I never thought I would admit something like this but Valerian just made me do things I never thought of doing.

". . . as long as I'm with you."

Valerian took a sharp breath. "Fuck, I will surely take you to Santorini the moment I was done here. I'm all yours once I seal the deal, Natasha."

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