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August's POV

It had been a week since that rainy day encounter with Ethan, and surprisingly, I hadn't seen him around the college campus since then. Part of me thought this was exactly what I wanted – some distance from the mysterious, closed-off guy who seemed to have a wall around him.

Yet, as the days went by without a glimpse of him, I couldn't deny the nagging feeling of emptiness. It was as if a void had formed inside me, and his absence left an unexpected impact. I found myself wondering about him, about that brief moment in the rain when he showed a glimmer of something different beneath his tough exterior.

I didn't understand why his absence affected me this way. We barely knew each other, and our interactions were limited to a few conversations. But there was something intriguing about him, something that drew me in despite his standoffish nature.

Sitting in the library, surrounded by books and notes, I tried my best to focus on studying for the upcoming exams. But no matter how hard I tried, Ethan's enigmatic presence kept creeping into my thoughts, distracting me from my studies.

The bright sunshine streaming through the library windows seemed to mock my sombre mood. It was a beautiful day, the kind that Ethan might have enjoyed. I couldn't help but wonder what he would be doing right now, whether he was out and about, or perhaps hiding in some quiet corner like he always seemed to prefer.

The contrast between his mysterious personality and the cheerful weather outside felt oddly fitting. Just like the sun shining brightly despite the stormy clouds that might be lingering beneath the surface, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Ethan.

I sighed, pushing away the distracting thoughts, and tried to refocus on my study materials. Yet, the more I tried to bury those thoughts, the more persistent they became. It was as if my mind was drawn to him, like a magnet to a mysterious force.

I found myself absentmindedly doodling on the corner of my notebook, my thoughts drifting back to that rainy day encounter. Despite his tough exterior, there was something oddly captivating about the vulnerability he briefly showed in the rain. It was as if he let his guard down for a moment.

The library suddenly felt stifling, and I decided to take a short break. As I stepped outside, the warm rays of the sun enveloped me. Though I generally preferred rainy days, today the sunlight had a certain charm to it. Maybe it was because I associated it with him – the enigmatic guy who seemed to have a strange hold over my thoughts.

I walked around the campus, enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of the day. My mind still wandered to Ethan, wondering where he was and what he might be doing at this very moment.

As I sat down on a bench, a gentle breeze ruffled my hair, and I couldn't help but frown. Maybe, I was being silly. After all, we were practically strangers.

I walked back to the library, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that I was missing something. But the logical part of my mind urged me to forget about him, to focus on my studies, and to let go of the silly idea that our paths would cross again.

As I resumed studying, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed in myself. I prided myself on being strong and independent, not someone who got swept away by fleeting emotions.

"Focus, August," I muttered under my breath, trying to push away the distractions.


As I stood in the college corridor, surrounded by my so-called gang of friends, smoke swirling around us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of power. With the cigarette held casually in my left hand, all eyes were on me. After all, I was considered the hottest girl in this place, and it seemed like everyone wanted to be associated with me.

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