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16 | Ethan's POV
day two

The soft creak of the cabin's wooden steps announced August's arrival. She descended, wrapped in a comfortable robe that exuded an air of casual elegance. Her presence alone was enough to fill the room with warmth, and I couldn't help but steal a glance as she greeted me.

"Hey, Ethan. What's cooking?" Her voice was a melody of curiosity, her eyes dancing with intrigue.

I turned to face her, a playful proposal dancing at the tip of my tongue. "How about we ditch the fancy dinner and go for something a bit more... rustic?"

A raised eyebrow and a hint of amusement met my suggestion. "And what would that be?" I couldn't help but grin. "Pizza. And a side of starlight gazing."

Her laughter was a symphony, a melody that echoed in the cabin's wooden walls. "Pizza and starlight gazing, huh? You certainly know how to set the mood, Ethan."

I winked, the atmosphere between us a comfortable blend of camaraderie and something more. "I aim to please, August. Now, let's get this pizza party started."

The night sky stretched out above us, a tapestry of stars that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. August and I sat side by side on the rooftop, our backs against the sturdy cabin wall, sharing  pizza and a couple of cold drinks. It was a moment of simple contentment, a pause in the whirlwind of emotions that had defined our trip so far.

As we gazed at the stars, a sense of awe settled over us. The universe was so vast, so incomprehensible, and yet in that moment, it felt strangely intimate. It was as if the cosmos had opened its arms to us, inviting us to contemplate our place in the grand scheme of things.

"You ever wonder about all this?" August mused, her voice a soft echo in the night.

I turned to her, my gaze drawn to the constellations above. "About the stars? Yeah, sometimes. It's like each one holds a story, a history that stretches back aeons."

August nodded, her eyes never leaving the sky. "It's humbling, isn't it? To think that we're just a tiny speck in this vast expanse."

I couldn't help but smile. "True. But that speck holds a lot of potential, don't you think? We have the power to shape our own stories, to leave our mark on the world."

She turned to me, her eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and something deeper. "What do you want your story to be, Ethan?"

The question hung in the air, its weight settling around us. It was a question that dug into the core of who I was, forcing me to confront my desires, my fears, and my hopes for the future.

"I guess," I began slowly, "I want my story to be one of genuine connection. I want to build meaningful relationships, ones that go beyond surface-level interactions. I want to leave a positive impact on the lives of those around me."

August's gaze softened, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "That's beautiful, Ethan. And you're already on your way there."

Her words warmed something inside me, a sense of validation and understanding that I hadn't expected. It was as if she saw through the layers I usually kept guarded, glimpsing the person I aspired to be.

"And what about you, August?" I asked, turning the question back to her. "What's the story you want to tell?"

She leaned back, her fingers idly tracing the rim of her drink. "I think... I want my story to be about embracing life in all its messy, unpredictable glory." She took a breath, looking down at her lap. "I want to take risks, to experience everything the world has to offer. And along the way, I want to leave a trail of kindness, of moments that make people feel seen and appreciated."

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