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August's POV

If there was a gold medal for the youngest person who embodies maturity, it would undoubtedly go to my brother, Aaron. Throughout my life, he has consistently shown a level of understanding that surpasses even my own. It's awe-inspiring to witness how he handles every situation with such composure and wisdom. Sometimes, I can't help but wonder what it would be like to have just a fraction of his insightfulness – I know I would become a better person in an instant.

Ever since he was a baby, Aaron has been so understanding and caring. Even when he was just a toddler, he would try to comfort me whenever I was upset. It's like he has this magical ability to see how people are feeling and know exactly what they need.

I look up to him so much. He's my little role model. When I get angry or frustrated, he tells me to take deep breaths and count to ten. It's like having a mini guru in the house! He's so calm and composed, even during the most chaotic moments. When things get crazy, he's the one who keeps his cool and helps everyone else stay calm too. It's like having a little superhero in our family.

"Let's go," I said to Aaron, my little eleven-year-old brother, as we headed towards the playground. He obediently held my handbag and his own school bag, taking his responsibilities seriously even at such a young age.

"Come on, Aaron, I'll carry my own bag," I insisted, but he refused, giving me a cold and determined expression. It was amusing to see him imitating my own icy attitude, and it made me chuckle inwardly.

As we arrived at the playground, I expected him to run off and join the other kids in their games. But to my surprise, he chose to sit beside me, contentedly watching the other children play.

"Aaron, why don't you go play with them?" I asked, wondering why he wasn't eager to join the fun.

"I don't feel like it," he replied simply, revealing very little about his thoughts and feelings. He was always a bit of a mystery, keeping his emotions carefully hidden.

Instead of playing, he took out a book from his bag – not a typical storybook, but a science book. It was a clear reminder of his insatiable curiosity and love for learning. Aaron was undeniably the biggest bookworm in our family, even at his tender age.

I couldn't help but admire him, sitting there so engrossed in his book while the other kids ran around and played. He was different, but in the most wonderful way. His passion for knowledge and his maturity were far beyond his years.

Aaron's eyes lit up, and he suddenly closed his science book, setting it aside. He turned to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and said, "Ice cream?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. Despite his usual composed and mature demeanor, he was still a child at heart, and the promise of ice cream had clearly sparked his excitement.

"Sure, why not?" I replied, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Let's go get some ice cream."

As we made our way towards the ice cream stand, I marveled at the way my little brother could effortlessly switch from a serious bookworm to an exuberant kid in a matter of seconds. It was one of the many things that made him so special and endearing.

As we savored our ice cream, sitting side by side on a bench, I couldn't help but smile at the simplicity and joy of the moment. At that moment, surrounded by the laughter of other children and the taste of sweet ice cream on our tongues, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for having Aaron in my life.

He might be young, but he taught me valuable lessons about finding balance, embracing curiosity, and cherishing the little joys in life. My seven-year-old brother, with his wisdom beyond his years, was truly a treasure in my life.

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