3 || Dream Or Real?

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“Oh, I cannot explain, everytime it's the same,
Oh, I feel it's real, take my heart.”


The allure of the forbidden stuff is a primal instinct, especially potent in the reckless years of adolescence. The more something is off-limits, the more it burns in the mind, festering into an unquenchable curiosity. We may strive to resist, yet the siren call of temptation whispers, "Why not just once?" Our logical brain protests, urging caution, but in the end, it’s often our reckless impulses that take control, leading us into decisions we later bitterly regret.

I was no exception—an eighteen-year-old brimming with curiosity and the urge to break free, to savor the thrill of the forbidden. It wasn’t as if I had a deep-seated desire for danger; I simply wanted to escape, to indulge in a fleeting moment of freedom with my friends. But now, a gnawing dread told me that stepping into that club was a grave misstep.

His eyes—those piercing, predatory ocean-blue eyes seemed to stalk me even now, their intensity burned into my mind. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t purge his image from my thoughts.

I lay sprawled on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling as if searching for answers in its void. It was 7:30 in the morning, yet the night of two weeks ago had passed in a restless torment. I had returned home around 9 p.m. after a hastily consumed dinner, and though my parents and grandmother hadn’t suspected a thing—thanks to Reema's cunning use of her toothbrush and toothpaste to cover for me—I had been unable to sleep. Each time I closed my eyes, I was haunted by the memory of his hypnotic gaze and the ominous curve of his lips.

Dragging myself out of bed, I trudged into the bathroom. After splashing cold water on my face in a vain attempt to wash away the lingering unease, I threw on a loose navy-blue shirt and black jeans. I brushed my long hair, braided it, and applied a slick of lip gloss to my pale lips. Downstairs, I found my mom preparing breakfast while my dad buried himself in the newspaper. Ellerie and my grandmother were conspicuously absent.

"You're up early nowadays," Dad remarked, his eyes widening in a mock surprise.

"Yeah, early rising is a virtue, and I'm cultivating it in me," I replied with a forced smile.

"Oh, really? Give some credit to your grandmother for that," Mom teased, a knowing smile tugging at her lips.

"Mom..." I groaned, feeling so tired for the continuous tension for two fucking weeks.

Breakfast was as silent as midnight, the events of the night two weeks ago weighing heavily on me like an anchor. My dad drove me to school, but the foreboding sense of dread clung to me, refusing to loosen its grip. Though I hadn't found anybody following me these days but I felt like I was being watched from afar after the encounter in the club.

"God, I hate physics. What sadist thought it was a good idea to invent this subject?" Reema groaned, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Of course, it was necessary. Without it, the modern world would be impossible," I replied, my tone laced with blankness as I rolled my eyes.

"Ms. Morales and Ms. Rauf, if you two insist on disrupting the class, you can leave," Mr. Kibria, our physics teacher, snapped, his gaze icy as it locked onto us.

"We're sorry. It won't happen again," we stammered in unison, exchanging nervous glances.

"I should hope not. If it does, I’ll report you to the principal and your parents. Understood?" he added, his voice a low growl.

Dark Chemistry |18+| (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now