CHAPTER 1 - and today, we meet

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"It's finally today."

Jeongyeon looked into the mirror, talking to herself. Her things were packed, she was all geared up to start university. "Dorm life must be fun, right?" she thought to herself. Kissing her mother goodbye, she left.

The memories of school were coming back to her. Of course, she remembered Park Jihyo. For a moment, the pleasant memories she and Jihyo had shared came to her mind, and she was smiling. She remembered their fallout. Only Jeongyeon knew, how much it affected her, even to this day. With a heavy heart, she thought of this mishap the entire journey.

As much as she'd have liked to forget it, it was something she could never forget, even if she tried to.

She blinked a couple times, closed her eyes and got down at the station, ready to board the train. "This is a fresh start, and I intend to make it worthwhile, for myself." Jeongyeon said to herself, as she boarded the train.

After setting up her space, she walked around the compartments, hoping to find a few familiar faces. And there it was, she spotted her long time friend, Minatozaki Sana, the highschool crush. Sana spotted Jeongyeon, bolted towards her, embracing her tight.

"Jeongyeon! it's been so long, I've missed you!"

"Sana, are you heading to Tdoong University too?"

"Yes! Aren't you as well? I'm glad we can be together again! Come here, join the others!"

Sana takes Jeongyeon's hand, and takes her to where the others are. Jeongyeon's eye goes through everyone. There's Nayeon, Momo, Sana and the one she dreaded the most, Park Jihyo.

She hadn't changed a bit, those pretty boba eyes, her pretty black hair, that beautiful smile. Memories came flooding back to Jeongyeon, those she wished to forget.

An awkward silence filled the air after Jeongyeon greeted Momo and Nayeon. "Jihyo....I hope you're doing well" Jeongyeon said, curtly. There was a sadness she could see in Jihyo's eyes. Jeongyeon was surprised, but the sadness disappeared quickly. "Likewise" Jihyo said, just as curtly. She hasn't changed. Jeongyeon thought to herself.

The unexpected arrival of Jihyo shook Jeongyeon. She wondered what the year awaited. A part of her wished she could make up with Jihyo, but she thought Jihyo would not be up for that.

Little did she know, Jihyo had other plans.

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