Serial designation N

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(Starts off with Uzi walking with blue and red behind her)
Blue how long have we been walking Im so fucking cold
Uzi bite me I'm trying to find an murder drone and shoot it
Red I don't think you know how to work that th...
Uzi shhhh (hide behind an part so do blue and red)
(Uzi grabs an piece of glass and watches the drone than the drone notices her and runs after her)
Red OH SHIT (roundhouse kicks the drone) TAKE THAT BITCH
(The drone stabs Uzi in the hand)
Blue Im outta here (drone grabs blue than Uzi shoots her railgun)
Uzi omg I finally did it! I killed a drone!
(Blue gets up)
Blue ow what the fuck just happened?
(Red and Uzi notices that blue has an acid tail about to grow)
Red uhhh
Uzi (bumps red)
(The drone gets up and starts rebooting)
Red oh shit (runs at it and punches it)
The drone did you just punch me?
Red no shit genius
The drone I'm serial designation N! Nice to meet you you two look an little too tail and she's an little too short
Uzi holy crap it talks
N and I can see that the taller ones getting his tail that's cool
Blue wait what? (Looks behind him and sees he has an acid tail winch is blue) what the fuck
Uzi I think when I shot you guys you guys combined the dna between you guys
Red oh shit
Uzi anyways ow (holds up her hand winch is stabbed)
N oof stabbed yourself our savila repairs it try it
Uzi my savila isn't working right now??
N hey new blue drone try your savila!
Blue what??
(Uzi shoves her hand in blues mouth making him cough)
Uzi (takes her hand out) oh wow it does
N let's go to the landing pod
(N explains who and what's his squad)
Blue oh we should go now
(They both walk away and Uzi runs)
??? N!!!!!!
Chapter 3 dead or alive

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