Dead or ailve

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(Cuts to blue red and Uzi running to the bunker than blue falls on his knees)
Blue fuck! Ow
Red blue
Blue red stay the fuck away
Red what's going on
Blue STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME (hits red with his newly grown wings)
Uzi cmon let's go
(Red and Uzi run)
Blue what am I becoming? (Burys his head into his hands and cries)
N hey tail guy
Blue huh?
N hey I see your new from is done my squad wants to meet you
Blue why?
N because I told them that your becoming an drone just like us
Blue I'm not an drone I'm an human
(Blue walks away than J and V land in front of him)
Blue get the fuck out of my way
(N grabs blue from behind and J shoves something insides blues mouth)
J welcome to the team
Blue (eyes become black and than becomes two Xs)
(Cuts to red and Uzi opening the door)
Red I'm worried about blue
Uzi he's prob dead or ailve
Red I hope he's alive I'm worri...
(They both hear the door trying to close and than they look and see claws)
Blue thought you chould get away from me huh? RED RUN SHUT UP
Red fuck run!
Chapter 4 things gone fucked up

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