1. a peaceful stroll(well, it was at first)

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Written on: 14/10/23 ( I keep track of this to see my improvement over time :^ )


"What are we doing today, Goh?" Ash asked enthusiastically as ever.
"Well, I haven't really got anything planned as of now, and professor Cerise hasn't given us anything to do today.. so.. why don't we just go for a walk?"
"A walk? Yeah! Sounds good, I'm in."
And so that's how we find our two protaganists, strolling in a peaceful silence, side-by-side. The gentle green leaves blew softly as the wind tussled their hair. Their fingertips accidentally brushed against eachother a few times as they walked, and each time was met with a stammer of apologies from both boys, and equally flushed faces. Ash inhaled deeply, and slowly breathed out, a soft smile grazing his face as he did so.
"Something wrong, Ash?" Goh asked in slight concern, tilting his head in a questioning manner.
"Hm? Oh! Haha, no, I'm good, sorry if I worried you. I'm just... appreciating the peacefulness I guess?" He awkwardly explained. Goh nodded solemnly in return, beaming back at the other boy with understanding in his eyes.
"I totally get it! Places like these just make me feel at ease. Especially if I need to be alone with my thoughts, but.. I like being here with you! E-even if we aren't doing much, it's still nice to just be in eachothers presence. I-if you know what I mean!" Goh stammered awkwardly, suddenly much more aware of the fact what he was saying sounded like. "I-i mean-!"
Ash just looked at the boy for a few seconds, before a quiet giggle escaped his lips. "Mhm, I agree, Goh!" The raven-haired teen nodded, a clear attempt to ease Goh's rapidly spiraling thoughts. "I enjoy being around you, too!" He added on.
A soft blush painted Goh's face, and he nodded back awkwardly in return, scratching at the back of his neck and chukling sheepishly.
"R-right! Sorry I made that sound so much more awkward than it needed to be." Goh apologised once more.
"No apologies needed!" Ash smiled once more, before they returned back to silence.
Well- almost silence, bar the low, soft humming of the few pokémon that were hidden amongst the bushier trees. 

As they continued trecking down the path, a large wild pinsir unexpectrdly jumped out from a thick bush, lunging at the pair.

The boy's both shrieked aloud in shock, and pikachu instinctively thunderbolted the bug pokémon, causing it to lash out in anger and head straight towards Ash with an X-Scissor powered up. He quickly grabbed Goh's arm, and tightened his grip on Pikachu, then proceeded to bolt in the opposite direction of the wild pokémon, while dragging Goh along clumsily beside him, who yelped a startled "ASHHHHHH!!!!"

The hat-wearing teen slowed down, and started breathing heavily, calming himself down from the rush of adrenaline and the shock of it jumping out. He exhaled sharply, and looked up at Goh, who was equally as exhausted and surprised.

"Goh! You ok? Sorry- I kinda grabbed you unexpectedly then.."

Goh huffed deeply and sighed. "Kind of?" He exclaimed sarcastically. "I almost died." He dramatised, wiping a fake tear from his eye. Or maybe real. Who knows.

"Oh come on. Don't be dramatic." Ash giggled softly, still attempting to catch his breath. "Seriously though, you're alright, yea? No bruses or cuts or anything? Or.. heart attacks?"

Goh chuckled fondly at his friend's concerned antics, and shook his head in reply. "All good.." He smiled seriously.

Until he realised something that made his heart pound rapidly against his chest, and his face flush a deep red.

They were still holding hands.

Although.. he couldn't say it felt..wrong.. per say.. he actually found it to be quite a calming sensation. Ash's hands were.. really soft, and his fingers interlaced with his own, grasping them tightly soothed him. Goh looked down at them fondly, rubbing his thumb over the back of Ash's hand, his lips slightly parted in a mix of calmness and fondness, with a much softer pink hue spread across his face now.

"G-Goh...?" Ash stammered in a breathy voice, and he was much less calm than Goh was about this for once.

"Gohh..? Earth to Goh?" He used his free hand to snap his fingers infront of Goh's face in attempt to smack him out of this strange trance, and then pressed a hand to his forehead in concern, tilting his head and looking into the other's eyes with concern, to which Goh blinked in confusion at. It was a sweet gesture, but a confusing one nevertheless. Did he think something was wrong?
"A-are you feeling alright? You're quite warm..And you're acting strange.. do you feel sick...? Oh no! Goh!! You're bright red! I - I think you have a fever! Let's go back!" Ash quickly stammered, tightening the grip on his hand further ( if that was even possible ) and running off with him back in the direction of the lab, but more carefully this time.


Ash is too dense for his own good.

A/N ( author's note)

HIHI!! So that's the first one shot done! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Lmk if you see any errors or anything. Sorry that this one is so short. Next part will be longer, and hopefully better too!! Ahhhh they're such oblivious cuties <<3. also, you may have noticed I write in a 3rd person pov, that's just because I'm more used to the ao3 format lol. The pov's will change throughout, but mainly stick to third person. Thanks for reading!

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