2. Nightmares Can Have Benifets.

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It's hazy for a moment, and Goh looks around in confusion. Where exactly is he? The last thing he remembered was.. actually, he had no idea what it was... he was with.. oh, Ash!

He looked around his surroundings, and noticed that he had no clue where he was.. it was pretty hard to see, as it was quite dark, and there was nobody but him around.

Nevertheless, he called out anyways.



"Professor Cerise!?"


Oh, right! His pokémon! They might know.

Except.. when he checked his pockets..
There was no pokéballs in there. He gasped loudly, and rummaged deeper in his pocket for any sign of even a single pokéball.

They should be there! Why weren't they?!? He always keeps them on hand at all times!

He checked his left pocket one last time, until he finally felt something! Aha!

He grasped the singular pokéball he'd sworn wasn't in there beforehand, but shrugged it off nonetheless.

Tossed the ball gently as to open it, but no pokémon came out.

Instead, a little piece of paper fluttered down into his hand gently.

He tilted his head in confusion, but unfolded it and discovered it had words on it.

He looked at it and read,

"Look down?"

He did as asked, even though it was a piece of paper that was asking him to do it, and noticed an opening through the dark.

He clenched his fist and swallowed his nerves, and then pulled the trapdoor that was on the ground open.

Then, suddenly, he was falling, deep, deep, into what felt like nothingness, until he landed... in a sand pit?

He looked around curiously. He could see his surroundings now, and he recognised this place..but from where wad the question..



Now he realised.

Two foggy faces approached him, each with a pokéball in hand.

"Hey, look, it's the freak playing on his own! How sad! Let's give him some company." One of the kid's grinned wickedly.

"W-wait, no, you've got it all wrong-!"  His voice was strangely higher pitched than normal, and almost...

Child like..

This was a memory...

And indeed, when he looked at his hands, he saw not his present self, but tiny, smoother child-like hands that were still his nonetheless.

He swallowed deeply in anxiousness and cowered in fear below the two terrifying kids.

"P-please.. leave me alone.." He croaked weakly.

The two just laughed, and one pulled out a pokéball, which he tossed, and out came a rattacate.

(How a kid that's like 8 years old got one I have no clue but shush it makes sense here ok?)

His eyes widened and he shook his hands out infront of his face.

"N-no really!"

"Rattacate! Use fury claws!" One of the kids commanded. The rat chirped hoarsely, and obeyed it's orders, sharpening it's claws and lunging at the child-Goh, tearing up the shirt that his grandma had knitted specially for him for Christmas, and scratching his face and knees.

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