Chapter 1

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TW: Discussion of Human Trafficking (not by any Kpop group member); Light Medical Issues (resolved)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.

The door to the opulent room swung open soundlessly, allowing the tall, muscular man to enter unnoticed. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the young woman seated at the vanity.

"Your father has requested your presence ASAP. When will you be ready?"

The woman glanced up from her careful application of sparkly gold eyeliner.

"Give me five minutes, Kookie! Is he home?" She moved towards the walk-in closet across the spacious bedroom.

"He's at the office. I'll bring the car around, then." The woman's bodyguard –but first and foremost her friend– left, and she began the process of accessorizing.

Fifteen minutes later, the car pulled up to the tall office building in downtown Seoul, the headquarters of ShinCorp.

As the heiress of ShinCorp, Shin Ara was immediately escorted to the CEO's office and served tea by the secretary.


Secretary Kim set the tray on the coffee table, leaving father and daughter to their meeting.

Ara glided gracefully over to warmly hug her father. "Jungkook told me you wanted to speak with me about an urgent matter. Is something wrong?"

Shin Jungok sighed, lowering himself onto the sofa across from his only child. "No, nothing is wrong. What has my beautiful daughter been accomplishing lately?"

Ara crossed her legs, smoothing her ruffled swiss-dot skirt over her knees. "I've been looking at property for my gallery. Other than that, I've been rather quiet. You've been busy with work, so I haven't wanted to disturb you, Appa."

Jungok smiled. "You are such a respectful child, Ara. Yes, I've been occupied with work. I just finished a meeting with the new CEO of Park Group."

"Oh, their former CEO died recently, didn't he? His son took over, I suppose? Awfully young to be CEO," she mused.

"Yes, he's only twenty seven, but he has a good head for business. We've never partnered with the Park Group before, though a contract was once drawn up between us. I guess he's trying to show the board he's capable despite his youth."

"Maybe he's capable because of his youth," Ara arched her brow at her father.

Jungok took a long sip of his tea. "Ara, are you seeing anyone?"

She blinked at the non sequitur. " I've been busy planning my gallery. I haven't had time to date."

"Park Jimin asked for your hand in marriage," Jungok stated simply.

Ara stared. "What?"

"Will you at least think about it? I'm sure he'll take good care of you and be a good husband to you, and if we make this partnership, he'll be more solidly accepted as a businessman. You know I'm getting older, and ShinCorp will stay in our family when I retire. I am proud of you for following your own path, and a little pleased that you do not want to take over ShinCorp, but I want to make sure you are taken care of."

"May I see the contract?"

Jungok handed her the portfolio, and she read through it carefully. "Will ShinCorp go to Mr. Park or to our children?"

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