Chapter 3

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TW: Kidnapping; Light Violence


A hand flopped around on the wooden table, finally locating the device making that infernal racket far too early in the morning.

"It's too early for this," Ara groaned, sliding the call button on her phone. "Yeoboseyo?"

"Princess? It's Jimin. Sorry if I woke you..." Ara heard a sharp inhale as her husband realised the time. Still, he pressed on. " know how Park Wonshik adopted me after I was kidnapped?"

"Ye-ah," she replied slowly, trying to figure out what was going on. Why was he sounding so awake after helping her break up the trafficking ring early this morning? He probably hadn't slept yet, she realized. Hence, his too-early call.

"So, the police broke up this ring last night and saved a bunch of kids. They called me and asked if I'd mind talking to them, tell them that things are gonna be okay, y'know?"

Ara made some sort of agreeing noise, heading to the bathroom to gargle some mouthwash and maybe comb her hair and hope that putting her hair in order would simultaneously put her brain cells in order.

" of my dad's old friends was there and suggested maybe...we could foster one or two of the kids who are in need of a home until they get all the paperwork sorted out. A couple of the kids agreed to testify, so they'll also need to stay close until the trials are over. What do you think? We have really good security, so they won't need to worry about a repeat kidnapping, and I know we've got space and love. You mentioned wanting to help trafficking victims when I was telling you about my childhood...but..."

The longer her silence stretched out, the more Jimin rambled. He was so cute.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great, practical way to help," Ara agreed after spitting her mouthwash out. "Just let me know how many you kids you drag back so I know how many rooms to get ready."

"Thank you, jagiya." Muffled conversation crackled through the line as Jimin paused to speak with an officer. "Sorry, I have to go. I'll call later, alright?"

"Okay. Love you!"

"Love you!"

Ara put her phone down on the counter and stared at her reflection in the mirror.


At 2:33 PM, Jimin arrived home with an eleven-year-old girl in tow. The police officer and Child & Family Services officer quickly checked the premises and living situation, then left, leaving Jimin, Ara, and the girl.

Ara smiled, crouching down to her height. "Hi, I'm Shin Ara. It's nice to meet you."

"Hello, Mrs. Shin. My name is Kim Nabi," Nabi bowed politely. "It is nice to meet you as well. Thank you for letting me live with you."

Her shiny hair teased the tops of her shoulders as she moved.

"I'll show you to your room, then," said Ara, motioning at the stairs. "I know you saw it already during the tour, but you can get settled now. My room is right across the hall, so my bodyguard will be close by if you feel unsafe. Have you met Jungkook yet?"

Nabi shook her head, then gave a small smile full of delight as she really took in her room.

Ara and Jimin's gazes met as they exchanged smiles at her satisfaction.

The walls were a pale periwinkle reflected in the pale blue duvet, the trim white to contrast the wood furniture.

"I hope you like it," joked Ara. "There are a couple of outfits in the closet, but I thought maybe you'd like to go shopping for some things your own style while you're here. Jungkook and I will take you whenever you're ready."

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