Chapter 2

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TW: Human Trafficking (not by any Kpop group member); smut ahead

Jimin knocked gently on Ara's door. No answer sounded from within, so he poked his head in. To his surprise, his wife was nowhere to be seen.

Frowning, he headed downstairs to ask Mrs. Lee and Jungkook if they knew where Ara was, almost walking into her.

"Princess? You're up early."

Her white suit was open to show her silver-gray blouse and thin gold chain jewellery that glinted in the light from the foyer chandelier.

"You look nice; where are you going all dressed up?"

"Thank you. I'm heading to the hospital to check on Appa, then to ShinCorp to talk some things over with Jin-oppa and Joon-oppa. I'll see you at lunch. Bye, yeobo!"

With a swift kiss to his cheek, Ara headed out the door, her ponytail bouncing behind her.

Jimin let her escape with Jungkook, momentarily stalled. "Yeobo?" he mouthed, pressing his hand to his cheek.

He didn't stop grinning all morning (at least in private).


Ara sat confidently in the seat her father normally occupied. Namjoon and Seokjin stood in front of her desk, hands clasped in front of them.

"Namjoon-oppa, you'll take over like Abeoji wanted, and Jin-oppa, you'll stay where you are. I will be totally uninvolved, except when I'm not, of course," Ara winked. "Let's try and make Appa proud so he doesn't worry, huh? Hwaiting!"

"Hwaiting!" echoed the two men.


Jimin entered the warehouse cautiously. A couple of lanterns in the middle provided just enough light to see who he was meeting: Vixen, head of the Stray Kids mafia that had rapidly grown over the last few years.

In the shadows behind her, he could just make out her two bodyguards, dressed all in black, just like Vixen: black combat boots with steel toes, black cargo pants, a black leather jacket with steel studs and zippers, and a black mask covering the top half of her face. The black hoodie underneath the jacket covered her head, casting shadows over her face that were only broken by her glowing gold eyes.

Jimin had to admit Vixen was a bit unnerving. Her mind games started before you even saw her face-to-face; there was the reputation of the female mafia leader who lived in the shadows, whose face no one had ever fully seen. Her gang had really exploded in the past five or six years, taking over a sizable chunk of the city with minimal bloodshed. Vixen relied heavily on secrets and manipulation, preferring nonviolent threats to force. Her reputation included being a whiz with a blade, proving she wasn't a one-trick pony.

Vixen took a step forward, the glint of a silver-and-gold dagger strapped to her thigh catching Jimin's eye.

"Why did you want to meet?" Jimin met her gold eyes steadily.

Vixen took another step forward. "I want to ally with Bangtan. I have a partnership with Gray...we run a bar; you may have heard of it, Blueprint?"

Jimin nodded. The Blue bars run by the Gray Family were some of the most popular in Seoul: Blue Moon, Blue Side, Blue Hour, and Blueprint. "I'm listening."

Vixen's signature red lips turned up in a smirk.


Jungok stayed in the hospital for another few days while his private doctor got caught up on his issues and treatment, agreeing a longer stay would be more beneficial to his healing.

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