Peyton Rose pt. 6

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I did it. I fucking did it. I killed Jolene, especially with a weapon that I fucking hate using. Finally Corey Delgades actually did something useful for once in this gameshow and kept Jolene in one place. I still hate you though Corey, don't think you're excused, because you're actually next.

Anyway, since me and Cassiel have become more than allies, actual friends, we decided that with my sick new flamethrower from the gameshow hosts themselves, we will burn a building down just for fun. I don't expect to kill anybody this time and if anything I'm actually hoping I don't because burning a what's thought to be empty house down to the ground is enough pleasure for me. I know Cassiel doesn't really take pleasure in the same things I do but he's my friend and he'd willing to help because that's just how friends are supposed to be.

Me and him now go up to an empty looking house and since it's wooden, I'm in luck as I use my flamethrower on it, almost the whole house catching on fire within a millisecond. Me and Cassiel ran away and sat back on a small grassy hill as we watched the smoke emit from the house and into the sky, there was a lot of smoke, but it was still not enough to compete with how much carbon goes into the atmosphere a day from those celebrities' gay ass private jets. I wonder if there were any screams going inside of that house that I couldn't hear or if there were actual people living in there before I absolutely demolished the house with my flamethrower.

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